
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Returns the list of entity handles for all objects that satisfy the current query in a specific drawing.

(ade_qrygetentlist dwg_id)

Returns a list of the handles of selected objects or nil.

dwg_id Drawing ID of the drawing to query (real)

This function executes the current query and finds all objects that satisfy it in the drawing specified by the dwg_id argument. The entity handles of the objects are returned to the calling function.

Once you have the handle to an object, you can get the entity name with the ade_qryhandent function and use it to perform other functions. For example, you could use entget (and ads_entget) to retrieve the entity and its definition data.

ADSRX equivalent


resbuf* ade_qrygetentlist

ade_id dwg_id);

Returns a list of the handles of selected objects or NULL.

You must release the resbuf.