
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Gets information about a query category.

(ade_qlgetctgyinfo ctgy_id info)

Returns the requested information or nil.

ctgy_id Category ID (real)
info Type of category information to get (string): "name" to get the category name, or "qrylist" to get a list of query IDs of the queries in the category.

The information returned depends on the info argument you use, but it is always in list format. For example:

  • An expression such as (ade_qlgetctgyinfo some_id "name") returns a category name, such as ("SomeCategory").
  • An expression such as (ade_qlgetctgyinfo some_id "qrylist") returns a list of query IDs, such as (1.23456 2.34567 3.45678).