
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Deletes a record.

(ade_oddelrecord ename table recnum)

Returns T or nil.

ename AutoCAD entity name of the object to which the record is attached.
table Name of the table to which the record belongs, up to 25 characters long (string). Must be unique, contain no spaces, and start with a character
recnum Record number (integer). The number of the first record is 0

The function deletes the record from the object. It deletes the set of object data defined by the table and attached to the object. This deletes the record from the table as well as the data contained in the record.

The record number is necessary because more than one record from the same table can be attached to an object. Use ade_odrecordqty to find how many records of a given table are attached.