
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

Up a level

Pushes an error to the stack .

(ade_errpush [err_code] [level] message)

Returns T or nil.

err_code Error code (details below).
level Error level (string). Values: "warning", "error" (default), or the empty string. If the empty string, the error level is "error".
message Error message (string).

If your application will use custom error codes, define a range for them that does not conflict with any range used for AutoCAD Map error codes. To specify a general error, let the err_code argument be 1 (kAdeErr).

The valid level values, "warning", and "error", correspond respectively to the following error types:


For a list of all error types, including the two that are valid level values, see Error Types.

The following example pushes an error to the stack.

(ade_errpush 1 "error" "message text")