
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Gets lock information about an object if it is locked.

(ade_editislocked ename)

Returns a list of lock information about the specified object if locked, or if not locked, then nil.

ename AutoCAD entity name.

The list of lock information returned by this function contains the following strings, in order:

  • Login name of the user who locked the object.
  • Name and path of the drawing that contains the object.
  • Date the object was locked.
  • Time the object was locked.
  • Name and path of the project drawing.

For example:

( "login" 
   "9:58:36 AM"  
   "c:\\path\\project.dwg" ) 

You can change the format of the date and time strings through options in the International dialog box in the Microsoft Windows Control Panel.