
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Lists all values found in a drawing for a given drawing property.

(ade_dwgproplist dwg_id property)

Returns a list of the values for the drawing property, or nil.

dwg_id Drawing ID (real)
property Property name (string). See Property Names below

The function searches the given drawing and returns a list of the values it finds for the given drawing property.

Property Names
Name Return Value
object_type AutoCAD object types (string)
blockname Block names (string)
linetype Line type names (string)
textstyle Text style names (string)
attrib Attribute tag names (string)
extents Computed extents. The most lower-left point and the most upper-right point in the drawing
For example: ((2.20286 4.99866) (20.4689 12.3563))
group Group names (string)
layer Layer names (string)
lpn Link templates (string). Note that link path names (LPNs) have been replaced by link templates in AutoCAD Map
objdata Names of object data tables (string)
mlinestyle Mline style (string)
feature Feature name (string)
lineweight Line weight (string)
plotstyle Plot style (string)

The following code identifies the last drawing attached to the project drawing and returns a list of its layers.

(setq dwg_id (last (ade_dslist))) 
(ade_dwgproplist dwg_id "layer")

The returned list has the form

("water" "sewer" "electric")