
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Creates or removes indexes for a given set of drawings.

(ade_dwgindex dwgIds)

Returns T or nil.

dwgID List of drawing IDs for which indexes will be created.

Calls to ade_dwgindexdef add index operations to the index operation list. Calling ade_dwgindex executes the index operations in the list. If the index operation list is empty, ade_dwgindex has no effect and returns nil.

The following example creates location and property indexes for each attached drawing:

; clear the index operations list
(ade_dwgindexdef  nil)

; add a 'create location index' operation to the list
(ade_dwgindexdef  "location"  1)

; add a 'create property index' operation to the list
(ade_dwgindexdef  "property"  1)

; execute the given index operations for each attached drawing
(mapcar  'ade_dwgindex  (ade_dslist))