
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Checks if a drawing has nested drawings .

(ade_dsisnested [dwg_id])

Returns T if the drawing has drawings attached, or nil.

dwg_id Drawing ID (real)

Verify that the drawing in question is active before calling ade_dsisnested. It is not possible to determine if an inactive drawing has nested drawings. If dwg_id is not specified or is nil, the function checks the project drawing to see if it has drawings attached.

; Get IDs of drawings currently attached
(setq ds_ids (ade_dslist))
; See if the first one has nested drawings
(princ "\nFirst drawing has "
(if (ade_dsisnested (car ds_ids)) 
    (princ "drawings attached.")  
    (princ "no drawings attached.") 