ODRecords.Next method

AutoCAD Map 3D ActiveX

ODRecords.Next method

Makes the next record current.

Next( ) As Boolean

Returns True on success.

Create an object data table called SampleOD. For more information, click . Run this code to step through the records of each object in the drawing using ODRecords.Next.

Dim amap As AcadMap

Dim ODrcs As ODRecords

Dim boolVal As Boolean

Dim acadObj As Object

Dim prj As Project

Dim i As Integer


Set amap = ThisDrawing.Application. _


Set prj = amap.Projects(ThisDrawing)

prj.ProjectOptions.DontAddObjectsToSaveSet = True

Set ODrcs = prj.ODTables.GetODRecords

For Each acadObj In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace

boolVal = ODrcs.Init(acadObj, True, False) 

Do While ODrcs.IsDone = False 

Debug.Print ODrcs.Record.tableName 

Debug.Print ODrcs.Record.ObjectID 

For i = 0 To ODrcs.Record.Count - 1 

Debug.Print ODrcs.Record.Item(i).Value 

Next i 


