
AutoCAD Map 3D ActiveX


–15 1200 2000 2500 3000
0 1300 2100 2600 3100
200 1500 2200 2700 3200
1000 1800 2300 2800 4000
1100 1900 2400 2900  


The following EErrCode constants correspond to the AcMap::EErrCode enumerators in the ObjectARX API and to the error codes in the ADSRX/AutoLISP API. Errors on the error stack are represented by ErrorEntry collections. Error codes are returned by the ErrorEntry.ErrCode property.

Errors are listed below by number. To see them listed alphabetically, choose EErrCode in the VBA object browser with the AutocadMap library selected.

–15 kErrXEDValueFail Internal error
–14 kErrRngTabEvalFail Internal error
–13 kErrNoRngTabFound Internal error
–12 kErrNoRngTabLibFound Internal error
–11 kErrLispValueFail Internal error
–10 kErrGetAttrFail Internal error
–09 kErrGetSQLFail Internal error
–08 kErrGetEEDFail Internal error
–07 kErrInvalidProperty Internal error
–06 kErrExpInvalidOperand Internal error
–05 kErrExpADS Internal error
–04 kErrExpNoMemforOperand Internal error
–03 kErrExpMathOverFlow Internal error
–02 kErrExpInvalidOper Internal error
–01 kErrExpSyntaxErr Internal error

For more Expression errors, which begin at 2900, click .

Common Usage
00 kAdeOk General ADE return value: call to ADE object is successful
01 kAdeErr General ADE error: call to ADE object is not successful
02 kAdeBadInput Invalid function argument
03 kAdeObjectNotFound  
04 kAdeOutOfMemory  
05 kAdeObjNotInitialized  
06 kAdeWrongType  
07 kAdeWrongProject  
08 kAdeEOB  
09 kAdeADSError Invalid function argument type
10 kAdeAdsNameConvertionFails  
11 kAdeWrongArgument  
12 kAdeWriteBufFails  
13 kAdeReadBufFails  
14 kAdeXDataCorrupted  
15 kAdeNoEnvironment  
16 kAdeUsrBreak  
17 kAdeUncomparable  
18 kAdePermissionDenied No permission to perform some action. When using the following commands, the message has different meanings: ADESAVEOBJS = can't be executed in demonstration mode; ADEDRAWINGS = User has no rights to update the set; ADESELOBJS, ADDREMOBJS = User has no rights to edit; ADEDWGMAINT = User needs to be superuser to remove the foreign locks; MAPOPTIONS: System Preferences = can't set "Force User Login" flag and change "Object Locking" flag if drawing set contains active or locked drawings. Deactivate or unlock the drawings before trying to set these preferences.
19 kAdeWrongSyntax  
20 kAdeDuplicate  
21 kAdeInvalidPathOrFileName  
22 kAdeInvalidVersion  
23 kAdeFileIOFatalError  
External Subsystems
200 kAdeAcDbError  
201 kAdeIRDNotInitialized  
202 kAdeIRDError  
203 kAdeASENotInitialized  
204 kAdeASEError  
205 kAdeASIError  
206 kAdeAsiNotInitialized  
207 kAdeAsiConnectToEnvironmentFailed  
Transactional Manager
1000 kErrClosed Repeated attempts to close previously closed ADE object. Call support.
1001 kErrWasErased Attempt to work with erased ADE object. Call support.
1002 kErrOpenForRead Attempt to update ADE objects opened for read. Call support.
1003 kErrOpenForWrite Attempts to get multiple access to ADE object opened for write. Call support.
1004 kErrWrongMode Incorrect mode of the ADE objects should be opened. Call support.
1005 kErrClone Exception at the time of cloning ADE objects. Call support.
1006 kErrResponse Incorrect attempt to start ADE transaction. Call support.
1007 kErrObjIsAbsent Attempt to work with erased ADE object. Call support.
1008 kErrAccess Type of work with ADE does not correspond to its status. Call support.
1009 kErrMultipleUsage Attempts to get multiple access to ADE object opened for write. Call support.
1010 kErrUpgrade Incorrect attempt to update opening mode of the ADE object. Call support.
1011 kErrNotClosed Object was not closed during current ADE transaction. Call support.
1100 kAdeGetIteratorFails  
1101 kAdeListIsEmpty  
1102 kErrListEnd  
1103 kErrListObjectIsAbsent  
1200 kAdeQueriedEntity Ignoring queried entity for saving selection. When using ADESAVEOBJS, the message means queried objects that are selected for save back are ignored.
1201 kAdeDwgNotActive Attempt to read the object locked from an inactive drawing. When using ADEWHOHASIT, the message means the drawing from which the object was queried is no longer active. ADE is unable to determine if the object selected is currently locked. Activate the specified drawing and re-enter the command.
1202 kAdeReadDwgFileFails ADE fails to read external drawing. If using ADEDRAWINGS, this message means that ADE is unable to read the specified drawing. Perhaps the drawing doesn't exit or the specified file is not a valid AutoCAD Drawing File. Check the error message stack for more information.
1203 kAdeMultipleUsers ADE fails to access external drawing. If using ADEDRAWINGS, this message means ADE is unable to access the specified drawing because of file locking problems. Check the error message stack for more information.
1204 kAdeEntityLockingFails ADE fails to lock. If using ADESELOBJS, this message means ADE is unable to lock an object. The object may already be locked. Use the ADEWHOHASIT to determine if the object is locked, perhaps by another user. Check the error message stack for more information. 
1205 kAdeUnlockedEntity Entity is unlocked. If using ADEWHOHASIT, this message indicates that the selected object is not currently locked.
1206 kAdeLockedEntity Entity has been locked by another ADE user. If using ADESELOBJS, this message indicates that the object is already locked by another user. Use the ADEWHOHASIT command to identify the user.
1207 kAdeAlreadyInSaveSet  
1208 kAdeAlreadyNotInSaveSet  
1209 kAdeMultipleReaders  
1210 kAdeOpenPrefDictionaryFails ADE fails to open ADE preferences dictionary. Call support.
1211 kAdeSavePrefDictionaryFails ADE fails to save ADE preferences dictionary. Call support.
1212 kAdeRestoreDSetFails ADE fails to restore the drawing set. Call support.
1213 kAdeOpenDSetDictionaryFails ADE fails to open ADE drawing set dictionary. Call support.
1214 kAdeSaveDSetDictionaryFails ADE fails to save ADE drawing set in dictionary. Call support.
1215 kAdeOpenQueryDictionaryFails ADE fails to open ADE query library dictionary. Call support.
1216 kAdeSaveQueryDictionaryFails ADE fails to save ADE query library in dictionary. Call support.
1217 kAdeOpenRTableDictionaryFails ADE fails to open ADE range table dictionary. Call support.
1218 kAdeSaveRTableDictionaryFails ADE fails to save ADE range table in dictionary. Call support.
1219 kAdeRestoreRTableDictionaryFails ADE fails to restore ADE range table in dictionary. Call support.
1220 kAdeOpenDocViewDictionaryFails ADE fails to open ADE Doc View information dictionary. Call support.
1221 kAdeSaveDocViewDictionaryFails ADE fails to save ADE Doc View information in dictionary. Call support.
1222 kAdeOpenKeyViewDictionaryFails ADE fails to open ADE Key View information dictionary
1223 kAdeSaveKeyViewDictionaryFails ADE fails to save ADE Key View information in dictionary. Call support.
1224 kAdeSaveProjectionFails ADE fails to save projection code in the drawing. Call support.
1225 kAdeCopyHardPointerFails ADE fails to apply property alteration for some symbol table. Call support.
1226 kAdeDwgToBeReloaded  
1227 kAdeDwgHasBeenModified There were objects queried from the drawing that will be treated as new objects. If using ADEDRAWINGS, this message means that when a drawing from which objects have been queried is detached, ADE converts the objects into newly created objects. When you use the ADEWHOHASIT command to see the origin of these objects, it says that they have not been queried.
1228 kAdeOnLockedLayer Objects from a locked layer have been selected. If using ADESELOBJS, ADEREMOBJS, or ADESAVEOBJS, this message means you selected objects from a locked layer and they cannot be added to, saved to, or removed from the save set or saved to source.
1229 kAdeDwgSaveFales ADE fails to save the source drawing. If using ADESAVEOBJS, ADESELOBJS, ADEREMOBJS, OPEN, NEW, or QUIT, or if you're configuring options, or modifying objects, you may get this message. Call support. NOTE: Use this message exactly as spelled here.
1230 kAdeDwgLocksLeft ADE fails to remove object locks (if present) by the end of ADE session. If using OPEN, NEW, or QUIT, or if you're configuring options, this message means the drawing might be locked by another ADE user.
1231 kAdeLinkWillBeLost ADE does not save links between queried objects and source drawings between ADE sessions. Detach source drawing with queried objects; Use the SAVE command with queried objects or no objects in the save set.
1232 kAdeDwgDiskFull  
1233 kAdeDwgHasQueriedObject  
1234 kAdeDwgHasNoHeavyLock  
Current Session
1300 kAdeGetCPointFails = 1300 ADE fails to get Text location for the entity. Call support.
1301 kAdeSetCPointFails ADE fails to store Text location for the entity. Call support.
1302 kAdeTextInsPointMissed Missing Text insert point. Call support.
1303 kAdeTextAllignPointMissed Missing alignment point for Aligned and Fit Text. Call support.
1304 kAdeTextHeightMissed Missing Text height. Call support.
1305 kAdeTextStringMissed Missing Text string. Call support.
1306 kAdeIndexUpdateFails Exception in Index generation or regeneration. If using ADESAVEOBJS, ADESELOBJS, ADEREMOBJS, or ADEDWGMAINT, this message means entity modification occurred. Call support.
1307 kAdeIgnorePreview ADE custom object is selected to add to save set or to save. If using ADESAVEOBJS, ADESELOBJS, or ADEREMOBJS this message has the following meaning: When doing a Preview Query, ADE creates a special object called a PREVIEW object, used to display the queried objects. PREVIEW cannot be saved back to a source drawing. When a user selects this object for adding to the save set or when saving back, ADE detects this and prevents the operation.
1308 kAdeIgnorePSpace  
1309 kAdeEraseIRDObjectFails ADE fails to erase the Object Data Table. Call support.
1310 kAdeRenameIRDObjectFails ADE fails to rename the Object Data Table. Call support. If using ADEDEFDATA, this message means ADE can't rename Object Data Table. Perhaps Object Data of the same name already exists in the drawing or Object Data Table definitions bearing the old name are different in the source drawings. Check the error message for more information.
1311 kAdeAlterIRDObjectFails ADE fails to alter Object Data Table. If using ADEDEFDATA, this message means ADE can't alter Object Data Table. Perhaps Object Data Table definitions are different in the source drawings. Check the error message stack for more information.
1312 kAdeIrdDuplicateTableName Object Data Table with specified name already exists. ADEDEFDATA - all Object Data table names must be unique. Duplicate names are not allowed.
1313 kAdeIrdNotIdenticaFormat Conflict in Object Data Table definition. If using ADEDEFDATA, this message means that perhaps Object Data Table definitions are different in the source drawings. NOTE: Use this message exactly as spelled here.
1314 kAdeBHatchUnit ADE treats bhatch and its boundary as one unit. If using ADESELOBJS or ADEREMOBJS, this message has the following meaning: When adding an object to the save set, ADE checks if this object is part of a hatch boundary. If it is, all other objects that form the boundary are added to or removed from the save set. When saving back bhatched areas, ADE always treats the boundary as one object.
1315 kAdeReQuery ADE queried one or more objects twice. ADE does not support UNDO for this operation. If using ADEQUERY or ADERUNXQUERY this message has the following meaning: If a drawing file has been modified by another ADE user and if a queried object matches another query, ADE removes the old copy and queries a new copy. This operation can't be undone.
1316 kAdeCantAccessFont  
1317 kAdeCantAccessImageFile  
1318 kAdeUnableRedefineXrefBlock  
Drawing Set
1500 kAdeRestoreDrawingSetFails ADE fails to read Drawing Set from DWG file. You encounter this message during ADE initialization or when using Open drawing file or ADEDRAWINGS. If using ADEDRAWINGS - attach drawing, the message means "activate on attach" is ON or ade_dsattach(), ade_dswcattach() drawing is corrupted or old ADE version is in use.
1501 kAdeDuplicatedDrawing Attempt to attach the same drawing twice. If using ADEDRAWINGS, this error appears when a drawing with the same name has already been attached to the work session.
1502 kAdeNestedDrawing Prohibited attempt to edit properties of the drawing in the nested drawing set. If using ADEDRAWINGS, this message means a user is not allowed to modify the transformation and save back extents of nested drawings in the work session. These properties can only be modified for top level drawings.
1503 kAdeActivateDrawingFails ADE fails to activate source drawing. ADE was unable to activate a drawing Perhaps the drawing does not exist or it is locked by another user, or the current user doesn't have permission to read the specified drawing file. Check the error message stack for more information.
1504 kAdeDeactivateDrawingFails ADE fails to deactivate source drawing. ADE is unable to deactivate a drawing. Perhaps the drawing is locked by another user, the drawing no longer exists, or there are locked objects in the drawing. Check the error message stack for more information.
1505 kAdeLongDrawingDescription Specified drawing description exceeds 133 symbols. Shorten description.
1506 kAdeEntityHasBeenLocked Drawing with locked entities can't be deactivated. ADEDRAWINGS - the specified drawing cannot be deactivated because it contains locked objects. Remove locks and deactivate.
1507 kAdePreviewNotSupported ADE 2.0 ignores these objects: Tolerance, Body, Ellipse, 3dSolid, Region, and Mline. If using ADEQUERY (Preview), ADEQVIEWDWGS, or ADEKEYVIEW, this message means ADE does not support a Preview Query of Tolerance, Body, Ellipse, 3dSolid, Region and Mline.
1508 kAdeAliasIsInUse  
1509 kAdeActivateDrawingCancelled  
1510 kAdeAttachDrawingCancelled  
Feature Alteration
1800 kAdeInvalidFeatureType Attempt to set an invalid property alteration type. If calling API functions ade_altpsetprop or ade_altpdefine, check for a mistake in property type.
1801 kAdeNoListId Property alteration internal list is invalid. Call support.
1802 kAdeInvalidExpType Attempt made to set an invalid property alteration expression type. Call support.
1803 kAdeNoExpression Property alteration internal object is invalid. Call support.
1804 kAdeTextCreationFailed Property alteration was unable to create a new text object. This message occurs when using queries that alter properties. Check expressions in the text property alteration definition.
1805 kAdeHatchCreationFailed Property alteration was unable to create a new hatch object. This message occurs when using queries that alter properties. Check expressions in the hatch property alteration definition.
1806 kAdeInvalidColor Invalid color passed to property alteration. This message occurs when using queries that alter properties. Check expressions evaluates to a valid AutoCAD color.
1807 kAdeInvalidLayer Invalid layer name. This message occurs when using queries that alter properties. Check expressions evaluates to a valid AutoCAD layer.
1808 kAdeInvalidStyle Invalid style name. This message occurs when using queries that alter properties. Check expressions evaluates to a valid style.
1809 kAdeInvalidJustification The expression for justification in a text property alteration did not evaluate to a valid justification. This message occurs when using queries that alter properties. Check expressions evaluates to a valid AutoCAD justification.
1810 kAdeInvalidScale  
1811 kAdeNoRangeId ADE internal object is invalid. Call support.
1900 kErrMapCoincPoint Coincident points. If using ADERSHEET or ADETRANSFORM this message means either old or new points are coincident. They must be different.
1901 kErrMapWrongScale Invalid scale. Call support.
1902 kErrMapTransform Can't transform entity. ADERSHEET, ADETRANSFORM, ADEQUERY, ADESAVEOBJS An error appeared at the time of entity transformation. It is high-level error. There must be another error in the stack with more specific information.
1903 kErrMapWrongExtents Invalid entity extents. If you're using ADETEXTLOC, ADERSHEET, ADEQUERY, ADESAVEOBJS, or calling AcDbEntity::getGeomExtents() method you may get this message.
1904 kErrMapWrongPoints Invalid points number. If you're using ADERSHEET, this message means that the numbers of old and new points are different, or less than 2. Dialog doesn't allow this. C
1905 kErrMapWrongSelSet Invalid selection set. Call support.
1906 kErrMapWrongEntityName Invalid entity name. The entity is open. For example, it has been received from the API.
1907 kErrMapOpenEntity Can't open entity. The entity is open. For example, another application opened the entity.
1908 kErrMapUpgradeEntity Can't upgrade open. Entity modification occurred.
1909 kErrMapMoveStretchPoints Can't modify stretch points. Call support.
1910 kErrMapEntityPoint Can't modify entity points. Call support.
1911 kErrMapCmdecho Can't change CMDECHO variable. Using ADEFILLPOLYG may produce this message.
1912 kErrMapCecolor Can't change CECOLOR variable. Using ADEFILLPOLYG may produce this message.
1913 kErrMapHatch Error in hatch command. Using ADEFILLPOLYG may produce this message.
1914 kErrMapWrongIntersectForPoints Can't find intersection. Using ADEQUERY or calling AcDbentity::IntersectWith() method may produce this message.
1915 kErrMapWrongHandle Wrong entity handle. Call support.
1916 kErrMapNotPolyline Entity isn't polyline. Call support.
1917 kErrMapIterator Can't create iterator. Call support.
1918 kErrMapWriteXData Can't write Xdata. Ensure that Xdata size is 16 KB or less.
1919 kErrMapBuffer Can't create buffer. If you're using ADEQUERY, to make a location query using a bufferfence, you may get this message.
1920 kErrMapStretchPoints Can't get stretch points. If you're using ADETRANSFORM or ADEQUERY or calling AcDbEntity::getStretchPoints() you may get this message.
2000 kErrTopInvalidName Invalid topology name. Occurs during topology creation.
2001 kErrTopExist Topology already exists. Occurs during topology creation.
2002 kErrTopBuildNet Error building network topology. Occurs during topology creation.
2003 kErrTopBuildPolygon Error building polygon topology. Occurs during topology creation.
2004 kErrTopBuildNode Can't create node. Occurs during topology creation.
2005 kErrTopBuildArc Can't create link. Occurs during topology creation.
2006 kErrTopBuildCntr Can't create centroid. Occurs during topology creation.
2007 kErrTopAPIReg Can't register topology API. Occurs during ADE loading.
2008 kErrTopFuncNotAvail Function isn't available. Occurs if you're using topology functions of the API.
2009 kErrTopWriteData Error writing Xdata. Occurs during topology creation and modification.
2010 kErrTopNotExist Topology doesn't exist. Occurs if you're using topology functions of the API.
2011 kErrTopOverlayType Wrong overlay type.
2012 kErrTopMakeLayer Can't create new layer. Using ADEDWGCLEAN produces this message.
2013 kErrTopBlockNotExist Block doesn't exist.
2014 kErrTopNotOpenForWrite Topology isn't open for write. Occurs when editing topology.
2015 kErrTopOpenIrdTable Can't open object data table. Occurs when loading and editing topology.
2016 kErrTopWrongIrdAttr Invalid object data table. Occurs when loading and editing topology.
2017 kErrTopLoaded Topology is already loaded. Occurs when loading topology.
2018 kErrTopIncompleteElem Incomplete topological element. Occurs when editing topology.
2019 kErrTopInvalidColor Invalid color number. Occurs when using ADEDWGCLEAN and creating topology.
2020 kErrTopInvalidFlag Invalid flag. Occurs when using ADEDWGCLEAN.
2021 kErrTopInvalidTolerance Invalid tolerance. Occurs when using ADEDWGCLEAN and creating topology.
2022 kErrTopInvalidCorridor Invalid corridor width. Occurs when using ADEDWGCLEAN.
2023 kErrTopInvalidOffset Invalid offset. Occurs when using buffering.
2024 kErrTopInvalidHeight Invalid marker height. Occurs when using ADEDWGCLEAN.
2025 kErrTopInvalidMarkerType Invalid marker type. Occurs when using ADEDWGCLEAN.
2026 kErrTopInvalidEntityType Invalid type for new entities. Occurs when using ADEDWGCLEAN.
2027 kErrTopInvalidErrorType Invalid error type. Occurs when using ADEDWGCLEAN.
2028 kErrTopIntersection Intersections detected. Occurs when creating and editing polygon topology.
2029 kErrTopOverlayItself Can't overlay topology with itself.
2030 kErrTopSourceDwgAccess Can't access source drawing.
2031 kErrTopSourceDwgNotActive Source drawing isn't active.
2032 kErrTopSourceDatabaseAccess Can't access source drawing database.
2033 kErrTopSourceObjectId Can't get object ID by handle in source drawing database.
2034 kErrTopNotLoaded Topology isn't loaded.
2035 kErrTopImplicitNode Node object doesn't exist in node topology.
2036 kErrTopMisplacedNode Wrong node coordinates.
2037 kErrTopUnreferencedNode Node isn't referenced in links.
2038 kErrTopUnexistentNode Link references nonexistent node.
2039 kErrTopMismatchStartNode Link has invalid ID at the start node.
2040 kErrTopMismatchEndNode Link has invalid ID at the end node.
2041 kErrTopMisplacedCentroid Wrong centroid coordinates.
2042 kErrTopMismatchLeftPoly Link has invalid ID for the left polygon.
2043 kErrTopMismatchRightPoly Link has invalid ID for the right polygon.
2044 kErrTopUnexistentCentroid Centroid isn't inside polygon.
2045 kErrTopMultiplyCentroid Polygon has several centroids inside.
2046 kErrTopWrongPolyQty Some polygons are incorrect.
2047 kErrTopMismatchPolyArea Incorrect polygon area.
2048 kErrTopMismatchPolyPerimeter Incorrect polygon perimeter.
2049 kErrTopOpenSourceDwgTopo Topology loaded from source drawings can't be open for write.
2050 kErrTopOpenTempTopo Temporary topology can't be open for write.
2051 kErrTopIdNotExist Current drawing doesn't have OD table with information about last ID.
2052 kErrTopEmpty Can't create or load empty topology.
2053 kErrTopWasModified Topological objects were modified by AutoCAD commands.
2054 kErrTopMultiple Object belongs to multiple topologies and can't be erased.
2055 kErrTopCalculateOffset Can't calculate offset. Use default. Occurs when using buffering.
2056 kErrTopZeroOffset Zero offset. Can't build buffer.
2057 kErrTopDifferentOffset Offset has different sign for some objects. Can't build buffer.
2058 kErrTopInvalidSelSet Invalid selection set. Occurs when using the API.
2059 kErrTopCleanNotInit Cleanup model isn't initialized. Occurs when using the API.
2060 kErrTopCleanNoGroup There is no current group. Occurs when using the API.
2061 kErrTopCleanInvalidIndex Invalid error index. Occurs when using the API.
2062 kErrTopCleanNoError Current error isn't set. Occurs when using the API.
2063 kErrTopTraceLinkNotExist Link doesn't exist in tracing model. Occurs when using the API.
2064 kErrTopTraceNodeNotExist Node doesn't exist in tracing model. Occurs when using the API.
2065 kErrTopTraceNoPath Result path isn't calculated. Occurs when using the API.
2066 kErrTopTraceInvalidIndex Invalid element index. Occurs when using the API.
2067 kErrTopInvalidExpression Can't process ADE expression. Occurs when using overlay, buffer, dissolve, or tracing command.
2068 kErrTopLockedTable Can't write into topology OD table. Occurs when using dissolve command.
2069 kErrTopCreateTable Can't create OD table. Occurs when using topology creation, overlay, buffer, or dissolve commands.
2070 kErrTopCreateTableColumn Can't add column to OD table. Occurs when using topology creation, overlay, buffer, or dissolve commands.
2071 kErrTopTraceNodesEqual Start and end nodes are the same. Occurs doing shortest path tracing.
2072 kErrTopTracePathNotExist Empty path. Occurs during shortest path tracing.
2073 kErrTopTraceFloodNotExist Empty path. Occurs when tracing floods.
2074 kErrTopRenameDisabled Can't rename topology, because current drawing has queried objects with OD.
2075 kErrTopDeleteDisabled Can't delete topology, because current drawing has queried objects with OD.
2076 kErrTopInvalidExtents  
Topology API
2100 kAdeTopApiErrWrongInput Missing or invalid parameter.
2101 kAdeTopApiWrongId Invalid ID.
2150 kAdeTopSprErr Tracing error. Occurs during topology tracing.
Query Definition
2200 kErrUnexpectedBuffChar Invalid character encountered while reading the query definition from the drawing. Options are a) Recover the drawing b) Define and save a new query definition in the drawing.
2201 kErrInvalidIndex An invalid line number was specified for either grouping or ungrouping of query lines. Specify the correct line number for grouping or ungrouping the lines.
2202 kErrInvalidQueryLine One or more query lines have been incorrectly defined. May occur when you incorrectly place a parenthesis or an operator in a query line.
2203 kErrInvalidName Either a query or a query category name is invalid. Ensure that the query or category name conform to the AutoCAd symbol name specifications.
2204 kErrEntryAlreadyExists Either the query or the query category name already exists in the query library. Ensure that the query name is unique within the query library.
2205 kErrEntryInOtherCategory The query name specified already exists in another category in the query library. Ensure that the query name is unique within the query library.
2206 kErrEntryAndFileAlreadyExist The file name specified for saving the external query already exists. Choose a different file name.
2207 kErrASIConnectFailed The connection to the ASI environment required for the SQL query was not made. Use ASE to connect to the environment before attempting to perform the SQL query. 
2208 kErrASIStmtPrepareFailed The call to CAsiExecStm:: Prepare failed. correct the table name or the SQL statement specified.
2209 kErrASICsrAllocFailed The call to CAsiCsr::Allocate failed. Look at the ASI error displayed.
2210 kErrASICsrOpenFailed The call to CAsiCsr::Open failed. Look at the ASI error displayed. 
2211 kErrInvalidDOName An invalid Environment, Schema or Catalog name was specified. Set the correct Environment, Catalog, and Schema names. 
2212 kErrLPInitFailed The call to CAseLinkPath::init failed. Look at the ASE error displayed. 
2213 kErrColNotFound Used for the SQL Order-by dialog now obsolete. Call support.
2214 kErrQDefNotInTM The CAdeQueryDef object was not appended to the Transaction Manager. Internal error.
2215 kErrQryDefnExists A query definition already exists and a new one cannot be loaded. Clear the existing query definition before loading a new one.
2216 kErrInvalidOperator Invalid operator defined in query definition. The specified comparison operator is incompatible with operand types. Do not use > with the point type. Check the query definition and change either the operator or operand type.
2217 kErrInvalidPtrnOperator Invalid operator defined in query definition for pattern value. If value operand is defined as pattern, only "=" comparison operator can be used. Check the query definition and change either operator or operand value.
2218 kErrInvalidField Non-existent object data field specified. This error occurs when the user specifies the wrong object data field name for a table (if there is no such field in the specified table) in the query definition and executes the query. Check query definition and tables and correct the mistake.
2219 kErrInvalidNotBranch  
2220 kErrInvalidBranch  
2221 kErrUndefinedValue  
2222 kErrInvalidLocationType  
2223 kErrCantLoadExternQuery  
Query Manager
2300 kErrIntersectFailed A call to CAseLinkSel:: intersectPartialKey failed. Look at the ASE error displayed.
2301 kErrNoTemplate The query type was specified as report but no report options were defined. Define report options.
2302 kErrASIStoreValueFailed A call to CAsiData ::storeValue failed. Look at the ASI error displayed.
2303 kErrASIGetValueFailed A call to CAsiData ::getValue failed. Look at the ASI error displayed.
2400 kErrLicFatal Fatal error in ADE license. Call support.
2401 kErrFileNotFound Can't find associated document. Occurs when using ADEDOCVIEW.
2402 kErrPathNotFound Can't find executable file. Occurs when using ADEDOCVIEW.
2403 kErrBadFormat Syntax error in the command line. Occurs when using ADEDOCVIEW.
2404 kErrConvtErr Error converting ADE 1.0 data to ADE 2.0 data. Occurs when using ADECONVERT.
Data Dialogs
2450 kErrIRDMismatch  
2451 kErrIRDInvalidName  
2452 kErrIRDTableExists  
2453 kErrInvalidTableName  
2454 kErrInvalidAttrName  
2455 kErrTopoName  
2456 kErrQueriedAndNotNew  
2457 kErrNotAdministrator  
2500 kErrTagNotFound  
2501 kErrTagValueAbcent  
2502 kErrIllegalFormat  
2503 kErrColMoreThanOne  
2600 kErrInitEnv An error occurred during the initialization of ADE. The cause of this error may be due to errors in loading/initializing ADE user preferences, system preferences, log file, or user list.
2601 kErrCantFindAdeExePath  
2602 kErrINIWrite  
2603 kErrInvalidUserName The user name specified does not exist in the user list. Use a user name that already exists in the user list or define a new one using User Administration.
2604 kErrLoadUserList  
2605 kErrSaveUserList  
2606 kErrInvalidPswd The password specified does not match the one specified in the user list for this user. Use the correct password.
2700 kErrRxAseLoad ASE isn't loaded Can't initialize ASE API.
2701 kErrRxAseInit Object Data module isn't loaded.
2702 kErrRxIrdLoad Can't initialize Object Data API.
2703 kErrRxIrdInit Specified coordinate system category not found in the library. Call support.
2800 kErrNoProjCatFound Specified coordinate system category not found in the library.Call support.
2801 kErrNoDatumFound Specified coordinate system datum not found. Call support.
2802 kErrNoElipFound Ellipsoid not found in the ellipsoid list. Call support.
2803 kErrNoCoordFound Specified Coordinate System not found. Call support.
2804 kErrFaileOpenDatumFile Can't open projection .mp3 file. Occurs when loading ADE.
2805 kErrFaileOpenElipFile Can't open ellipse file. Occurs when loading ADE.
2806 kErrNoneCoord Internal code to set "None" projection to the drawing. Call support.
2900 kErrNoExpressionFound Empty expression is specified. Call support.
2901 kErrGetPropFail This is an internal code to show that entity has no specified property. Call support.
2902 kErrExpEvalFail ADE fails to evaluate expression. Occurs when executing query with property alteration and executing a property query.
2903 kErrExpMissingQuote Quotes mismatched in SQL expression. Occurs when executing a SQL query and a query with SQL property alteration. Also occurs when using ADECONVERT.
2904 kErrExpMissingCParen Parenthesis mismatched. Occurs when executing a query with feature alteration and executing a property query.
2905 kErrExpExceedThreeOper More than three operands are specified. Occurs when executing a query with property alteration and executing a property query.
2906 kErrRngTabNameExist Range table with specified name already exists. Call support.
2907 kErrLpnInvalid  
2908 kErrLpnNotFound  
2909 kErrRangeInvalidElse  

For more Expression errors, which begin at –15, click .

3000 kErrInvalidIndexVersion The version of the index in the drawing is invalid. The options are: 1)Regenerate the index using drawing maintenance 2)Remove the index using the index removal utility and then re-generate the index.
3001 kErrIndexOutOfDate The index in the drawing is out-of- date. Regenerate the index using drawing maintenance.
3002 kErrTypeAllObjects  
3003 kErrTypeNoOneObject  
3100 kErrWrongSymbolName  
3101 kErrWrongSymbol  
3102 kErrWrongStrLength  
3103 kErrDirDoesNotExist  
3104 kErrDirReadOnly  
3105 kErrAccessDenied  
3106 kErrFileDoesNotExist  
3107 kErrFileAlreadyExists  
3108 kErrFileOpenFailed  
3109 kErrFileReadOnly  
3110 kErrInvalidString  
3111 kErrOutOfRange  
3112 kErrWrongColor  
3113 kErrIncorrectParameters One of ADE validation methods recognized incorrect input parameters. This error is an internal ADE error.
3114 kErrFileOpenLimit  
3115 kErrShareViolation  
3116 kErrNetAccessDenied  
3117 kErrPathDoesNotExist  
File Locking
3200 kErrDwkFileDoesNotExist ADE lock file is locked. Occurs when using ADEDRAWINGS and ADEQUERY commands and when ADE is running in a multi-user environment.
3201 kErrOpenDwkFileFailed ADE was unable to open the .DWK lock file. Call support.
3202 kErrFileLockedByAcad Attempt to remove a user who does not exist from the lock file. Call support.
3203 kErrOldMapLockFile ADE was unable to create the .DWK lock file. Call support.
3204 kErrFileIsNotDwk ADE tried to lock a file for write that was already locked for read. Call support.
3205 kErrSpecifiedUserDoesNotExist ADE tried to lock a file for read that was already locked for write. Occurs during query operations in a multi-user environment.
3206 kErrCreateDwkFileFailed ADE tried to open and read a file that was not a valid .DWK file. Call support.
3207 kErrFileIsLockedForRead ADE was unable to unlock the lock file. Call support.
3208 kErrFileIsLockedForWrite ADE tried to attach a file that is already open by AutoCAD. Occurs when using ADEDRAWINGS with ATTACH operations if the file is open in an AutoCAD project.
3209 kErrInvalidLockStateSpecified ADE internal object is invalid. Call support.
3210 kErrNotOwnerOfWLH ADE tried to remove a write lock when the user did not have a write lock. Call support.
3211 kErrUserIsNotWriter  
3212 kErrUserIsNotReader  
3213 kErrUserHasReadLock  
3214 kErrLockFileIsFull  
3215 kErrDwgFileDoesNotExist ADE tried to unlock a file but the .DWK file was missing. Occurs if the .dwk file was erased after a file was attached.
3216 kErrNotAnADELockFile ADE internal object is invalid. Call support.
3217 kErrFileMayHaveBeenModified Existing .DWK file does not belong to ADE. the lock file exists and can be read by ADE, but ADE does not own the file.
3218 kErrFileHasLocks ADE tried to remove a lock file but it was not found. Occurs if the .dwk file was erased after a file was attached.
Unicode Support
4000 kAdeUnicodeInsufficientBufferToConvert  
4001 kAdeUnicodeInvalidFlagsToConvert  
4002 kAdeUnicodeInvalidParameterToConvert  
4003 kAdeUnicodeNoTranslation  
4004 kAdeUnicodeCodePageNotAvailable  
Double-Byte Support
4005 kAdeNoMBCSAllowed