ODRecords.Init method

AutoCAD Map 3D ActiveX

ODRecords.Init method

Initializes an ODRecords collection with the records of a given drawing object.

Init( _
 acadObject As Object, _
 OpenMode As Boolean, _
 SkipNested As Boolean _
 ) As Boolean

Returns True on success.


The drawing object whose records you will read or edit.


If True, records are read-write. If False, they are read-only.


True inhibits scanning of records attached to subordinate objects.

You can instantiate an ODRecords collection by calling either ODTable.GetODRecords() or ODTables.GetODREcords(). In the first case, you are referencing a particular object-data table definition. In the second, you are referencing all object-data table definitions in the project. When you initialize the ODRecords collection in the first case, you initialize it with all the records attached to the given object that match a particular table definition. When you initialize the ODRecords collection in the second case, you in itialize it with all the records attached to the given object that match any table definition.

Note  You must explicitly release an ODRecords collection when you are finished with it.

The following sample demonstrates reading and editing existing records. The ODRecords collection is created before we enter the loop, and it is not released until we exit the loop, because each call to Init() reuses the same collection object. The sample assumes a selection set, ss, and an object-data table, oTable2.

Set oRecords = oTable2.GetODRecords()
Dim oDrawingObject As AcadEntity
Dim bRetVal As Boolean
For Each oDrawingObject In ss
   bRetVal = oRecords.Init(oDrawingObject, True, True)
   While oRecords.IsDone = False
      oRecord.Item(1).Value = oRecord.Item(0).Value
Set oRecords = Nothing

Note  Although you can read or edit records, you cannot add or remove records during the life of an ODRecords object.

The following sample demonstrates iterating existing records and then adding records based on what we have found. In this situation, the ODRecords collection is created within the loop and then released within the loop before any records are added. The sample assumes a selection set, ss, and an object-data table, oTable2.

Dim oDrawingObject As AcadEntity
Dim bRetVal As Boolean
Dim bHasRecords As Boolean
Dim oRecord As ODRecord
For Each oDrawingObject In ss
   bHasRecords = False
   Set oRecords = oTable2.GetODRecords()
   bRetVal = oRecords.Init(oDrawingObject, True, True)
   While oRecords.IsDone = False
      HasRecords = True
   Set oRecords = Nothing
   If HasRecords = False Then
      Set oRecord = oTable2.CreateRecord
      oRecord.Item(0).Value = "0"
      bRetVal = oRecord.AttachTo(CLng(oDrawingObject.ObjectID))
   End If
Set oRecord = Nothing