Asmc Macro Assembler

Asmc Macro Assembler Reference


.CLASSDEF name [args]

Declares a structure type for a COM interface.

.CLASSDEF adds the following types:

.classdef Class
  * LPCLASS typedef ptr Class
  * LPCLASSVtbl typedef ptr ClassVtbl
  * Class@Class proto :ptr Class
  * Class struct 8
  * lpVtbl LPCLASSVtbl ?

Release() is added as the first method:

    Method1 proc local  ; static
    Method2 proc :ptr   ; first virtual function
  * Class ends
  * ClassVtbl struct
  * T$000B typedef proto :ptr Class
  * P$000B typedef ptr T$000B
  * Release P$000B ?
  * T$000B typedef proto :ptr Class
  * P$000B typedef ptr T$000B
  * Method2 P$000B ?

To define a method locally in the base class the keyword LOCAL may be used. Locally defined functions are called directly without the _this argument omitted.

    assume rcx:LPCLASS

foo proc

  local p:LPCLASS


foo endp

Code produced:

   0: 55            push   rbp
   1: 48 8b ec      mov    rbp,rsp
   4: 48 83 ec 30   sub    rsp,0x30
   8: ff 51 10      call   QWORD PTR [rcx+0x10]
   b: 48 8b 01      mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rcx]
   e: ff 50 08      call   QWORD PTR [rax+0x8]
  11: 48 8b 01      mov    rax,QWORD PTR [rcx]
  14: ff 10         call   QWORD PTR [rax]
  16: c9            leave
  17: c3            ret

See Also