DOS64 - Switch to Long Mode and Back

Asmc Macro Assembler

DOS64 - Switch to Long Mode and Back

;--- DOS program which switches to long-mode and back.
;--- Note: requires at least JWasm v2.
;--- Also: needs a 64bit cpu in real-mode to run.
;--- Parts of the source are based on samples supplied by
;--- sinsi and Tomasz Grysztar in the FASM forum.
;--- To create the binary enter:
;---  JWasm -mz DOS64.asm


;--- 16bit start/exit code

_TEXT16 segment use16 para public 'CODE'

    assume ds:_TEXT16
    assume es:_TEXT16

GDTR label fword        ; Global Descriptors Table Register
    dw 4*8-1            ; limit of GDT (size minus one)
    dd offset GDT       ; linear address of GDT
IDTR label fword        ; Interrupt Descriptor Table Register
    dw 256*16-1         ; limit of IDT (size minus one)
    dd 0                ; linear address of IDT
nullidt label fword
    dw 3FFh
    dd 0
    align 8
GDT dq 0                    ; null descriptor
    dw 0FFFFh,0,9A00h,0AFh  ; 64-bit code descriptor
    dw 0FFFFh,0,9A00h,000h  ; compatibility mode code descriptor
    dw 0FFFFh,0,9200h,000h  ; compatibility mode data descriptor

wPICMask dw 0   ; variable to save/restore PIC masks

    push cs
    pop ds
    mov ax,cs
    movzx eax,ax
    shl eax,4
    add dword ptr [GDTR+2], eax ; convert offset to linear address
    mov word ptr [GDT+2*8+2], ax
    mov word ptr [GDT+3*8+2], ax
    shr eax,16
    mov byte ptr [GDT+2*8+4], al
    mov byte ptr [GDT+3*8+4], al

    mov ax,ss
    mov dx,es
    sub ax,dx
    mov bx,sp
    shr bx,4
    add bx,ax
    mov ah,4Ah
    int 21h         ; free unused memory
    push cs
    pop es
    mov ax,ss
    mov dx,cs
    sub ax,dx
    shl ax,4
    add ax,sp
    push ds
    pop ss
    mov sp,ax       ; make a TINY model, CS=SS=DS=ES

    smsw ax
    test al,1
    jz @F
    mov dx,offset err1
    mov ah,9
    int 21h
    mov ah,4Ch
    int 21h
err1 db "Mode is V86. Need REAL mode to switch to LONG mode!",13,10,'$'
    xor edx,edx
    mov eax,80000001h   ; test if long-mode is supported
    test edx,20000000h
    jnz @F
    mov dx,offset err2
    mov ah,9
    int 21h
    mov ah,4Ch
    int 21h
err2 db "No 64bit cpu detected.",13,10,'$'
    mov bx,1000h
    mov ah,48h
    int 21h
    jnc @F
    mov dx,offset err3
    mov ah,9
    int 21h
    mov ah,4Ch
    int 21h
err3 db "Out of memory",13,10,'$'
    add ax,100h-1   ; align to page boundary
    mov al,0
    mov es,ax

;--- setup page directories and tables

    sub di,di
    mov cx,4096
    sub eax,eax
    rep stosd       ; clear 4 pages

    sub di,di
    mov ax,es
    movzx eax,ax
    shl eax,4
    mov cr3,eax             ; load page-map level-4 base

    lea edx, [eax+5000h]
    mov dword ptr [IDTR+2], edx

    or eax,111b
    add eax, 1000h
    mov es:[di+0000h],eax   ; first PDP table
    add eax, 1000h
    mov es:[di+1000h],eax   ; first page directory
    add eax, 1000h
    mov es:[di+2000h],eax   ; first page table
    mov di,3000h            ; address of first page table
    mov eax,0 + 111b
    mov cx,256              ; number of pages to map (1 MB)
    add di,4
    add eax,1000h
    loop @B

;--- setup ebx/rbx with linear address of _TEXT

    mov bx,_TEXT
    movzx ebx,bx
    shl ebx,4
    add [llg], ebx

;--- create IDT

    mov di,5000h
    mov cx,32
    mov edx, offset exception
    add edx, ebx
    mov eax,edx
    mov ax,8
    mov ax,8E00h
    xor eax, eax
    add edx,4
    loop make_exc_gates
    mov cx,256-32
    mov eax,offset interrupt
    add eax, ebx
    mov ax,8
    mov ax,8E00h
    xor eax, eax
    loop make_int_gates

    mov di,5000h
    mov eax, ebx
    add eax, offset clock
    mov es:[di+80h*16+0],ax ; set IRQ 0 handler
    shr eax,16
    mov es:[di+80h*16+6],ax

    mov eax, ebx
    add eax, offset keyboard
    mov es:[di+81h*16+0],ax ; set IRQ 1 handler
    shr eax,16
    mov es:[di+81h*16+6],ax

;--- clear NT flag

    pop ax
    and ah,0BFh
    push ax

;--- reprogram PIC: change IRQ 0-7 to INT 80h-87h, IRQ 8-15 to INT 88h-8Fh

    in al,0A1h
    mov ah,al
    in al,21h
    mov [wPICMask],ax
    mov al,10001b       ; begin PIC 1 initialization
    out 20h,al
    mov al,10001b       ; begin PIC 2 initialization
    out 0A0h,al
    mov al,80h          ; IRQ 0-7: interrupts 80h-87h
    out 21h,al
    mov al,88h          ; IRQ 8-15: interrupts 88h-8Fh
    out 0A1h,al
    mov al,100b         ; slave connected to IRQ2
    out 21h,al
    mov al,2
    out 0A1h,al
    mov al,1            ; Intel environment, manual EOI
    out 21h,al
    out 0A1h,al
    in al,21h
    mov al,11111100b    ; enable only clock and keyboard IRQ
    out 21h,al
    in al,0A1h
    mov al,11111111b
    out 0A1h,al

    mov eax,cr4
    or eax,1 shl 5
    mov cr4,eax         ; enable physical-address extensions (PAE)

    mov ecx,0C0000080h  ; EFER MSR
    or eax,1 shl 8      ; enable long mode

    lgdt [GDTR]
    lidt [IDTR]

    mov cx,ss
    movzx ecx,cx        ; get base of SS
    shl ecx,4
    movzx esp,sp
    add ecx, esp        ; ECX=linear address of current SS:ESP

    mov eax,cr0
    or eax,80000001h
    mov cr0,eax         ; enable paging + pmode

    db 66h, 0EAh        ; jmp 0008:oooooooo
llg dd offset long_start
    dw 8

;--- switch back to real-mode and exit


    mov eax,cr0
    and eax,7FFFFFFFh   ; disable paging
    mov cr0,eax

    mov ecx,0C0000080h  ; EFER MSR
    and ah,not 1h       ; disable long mode (EFER.LME=0)

    mov ax,24           ; set SS,DS and ES to 64k data
    mov ss,ax
    mov ds,ax
    mov es,ax

    mov eax,cr0         ; switch to real mode
    and al,0FEh
    mov cr0, eax

    db 0eah             ; clear instruction cache, CS=real-mode seg
    dw $+4
    dw _TEXT16

    mov ax,STACK        ; SS=real-mode seg
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp,4096

    push cs             ; DS=real-mode _TEXT16 seg
    pop ds

    lidt [nullidt]      ; IDTR=real-mode compatible values

    mov eax,cr4
    and al,not 20h      ; disable physical-address extensions (PAE)
    mov cr4,eax

;--- reprogram PIC: change IRQ 0-7 to INT 08h-0Fh, IRQ 8-15 to INT 70h-77h

    mov al,10001b       ; begin PIC 1 initialization
    out 20h,al
    mov al,10001b       ; begin PIC 2 initialization
    out 0A0h,al
    mov al,08h          ; IRQ 0-7: back to ints 8h-Fh
    out 21h,al
    mov al,70h          ; IRQ 8-15: back to ints 70h-77h
    out 0A1h,al
    mov al,100b         ; slave connected to IRQ2
    out 21h,al
    mov al,2
    out 0A1h,al
    mov al,1            ; Intel environment, manual EOI
    out 21h,al
    out 0A1h,al
    in al,21h

    mov ax,[wPICMask]   ; restore PIC masks
    out 21h,al
    mov al,ah
    out 0A1h,al

    mov ax,4c00h
    int 21h

_TEXT16 ends

;--- here's the 64bit code segment.
;--- since 64bit code is always flat but the DOS mz format is segmented,
;--- there are restrictions, because the assembler doesn't know the
;--- linear address where the 64bit segment will be loaded:
;--- + direct addressing with constants isn't possible (mov [0B8000h],rax)
;---   since the rip-relative address will be calculated wrong.
;--- + 64bit offsets (mov rax, offset <var>) must be adjusted by the linear
;---   address where the 64bit segment was loaded (is in rbx).
;--- rbx must preserve linear address of _TEXT

_TEXT segment para use64 public 'CODE'

    assume ds:FLAT, es:FLAT


    xor eax,eax
    mov ss,eax
    mov esp,ecx
    sti             ; now interrupts can be used
    call WriteStrX
    db "Hello 64bit",10,0
    mov r8b,0       ; r8b will be filled by the keyboard irq routine
    cmp r8b,0
    jz nocmd
    cmp r8b,1       ; ESC?
    jz esc_pressed
    cmp r8b,13h     ; 'r'?
    jz r_pressed
    call WriteStrX
    db "unknown key ",0
    mov al,r8b
    call WriteB
    call WriteStrX
    db 10,0
    jmp nextcmd

;--- 'r' key: display some register contents

    call WriteStrX
    db 10,"cr0=",0
    mov rax,cr0
    call WriteQW
    call WriteStrX
    db 10,"cr2=",0
    mov rax,cr2
    call WriteQW
    call WriteStrX
    db 10,"cr3=",0
    mov rax,cr3
    call WriteQW
    call WriteStrX
    db 10,"cr4=",0
    mov rax,cr4
    call WriteQW
    call WriteStrX
    db 10,"cr8=",0
    mov rax,cr8
    call WriteQW
    call WriteStrX
    db 10,0
    jmp nextcmd

;--- ESC: back to real-mode

    jmp [bv]
bv  label fword
    dd offset backtoreal
    dw 16

;--- screen output helpers

;--- scroll screen up one line
;--- rsi = linear address start of last line
;--- rbp = linear address of BIOS area (0x400)
    mov edi,esi
    movzx eax,word ptr [rbp+4Ah]
    push rax
    lea rsi, [rsi+2*rax]
    mov cl, [rbp+84h]
    mul cl
    mov ecx,eax
    rep movsw
    pop rcx
    mov ax,0720h
    rep stosw

    push rbp
    push rdi
    push rsi
    push rbx
    push rcx
    push rdx
    push rax
    mov edi,0B8000h
    mov ebp,400h
    cmp byte ptr [rbp+63h],0B4h
    jnz @F
    xor di,di
    movzx ebx, word ptr [rbp+4Eh]
    add edi, ebx
    movzx ebx, byte ptr [rbp+62h]
    mov esi, edi
    movzx ecx, byte ptr [rbx*2+rbp+50h+1] ;ROW
    movzx eax, word ptr [rbp+4Ah]
    mul ecx
    movzx edx, byte ptr [rbx*2+rbp+50h]  ;COL
    add eax, edx
    mov dh,cl
    lea edi, [rdi+rax*2]
    mov al, [rsp]
    cmp al, 10
    jz newline
    mov [rdi], al
    mov byte ptr [rdi+1], 07
    inc dl
    cmp dl, byte ptr [rbp+4Ah]
    jb @F
    mov dl, 00
    inc dh
    cmp dh, byte ptr [rbp+84h]
    jbe @F
    dec dh
    call scroll_screen
    mov [rbx*2+rbp+50h],dx
    pop rax
    pop rdx
    pop rcx
    pop rbx
    pop rsi
    pop rdi
    pop rbp

WriteStr:   ;write string in rdx
    push rsi
    mov rsi, rdx
    and al,al
    jz @F
    call WriteChr
    jmp @B
    pop rsi

WriteStrX:  ;write string at rip
    push rsi
    mov rsi, [rsp+8]
    and al,al
    jz @F
    call WriteChr
    jmp @B
    mov [rsp+8],rsi
    pop rsi

WriteQW:        ;write QWord in rax
    push rax
    shr rax,32
    call WriteDW
    pop rax
    push rax
    shr rax,16
    call WriteW
    pop rax
    push rax
    shr rax,8
    call WriteB
    pop rax
WriteB:     ;write Byte in al
    push rax
    shr rax,4
    call WriteNb
    pop rax
    and al,0Fh
    add al,'0'
    cmp al,'9'
    jbe @F
    add al,7
    jmp WriteChr

;--- exception handler

excno = 0
    repeat 32
    push excno
    jmp @F
    excno = excno+1
    call WriteStrX
    db 10,"Exception ",0
    pop rax
    call WriteB
    call WriteStrX
    db " errcode=",0
    mov rax,[rsp+0]
    call WriteQW
    call WriteStrX
    db " rip=",0
    mov rax,[rsp+8]
    call WriteQW
    call WriteStrX
    db 10,0
    jmp $

;--- clock and keyboard interrupts

    push rbp
    mov ebp,400h
    inc dword ptr [rbp+6Ch]
    pop rbp
interrupt:              ; handler for all other interrupts
    push rax
    mov al,20h
    out 20h,al
    pop rax

    push rax
    in al,60h
    test al,80h
    jnz @F
    mov r8b, al
    in al,61h           ; give finishing information
    out 61h,al          ; to keyboard...
    mov al,20h
    out 20h,al          ; ...and interrupt controller
    pop rax

_TEXT ends

;--- 4k stack, used in both modes

STACK segment use16 para stack 'STACK'
    db 4096 dup (?)
STACK ends

    end start16