3.19 Initialization of Data Items with Type MMWORD/XMMWORD
For data items of types MMWORD or XMMWORD, JWasm will accept integer values for initialization:
vmm1 MMWORD 1122334455667788h
vxmm1 XMMWORD 112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFFh
Masm will accept just floating-point initializers for data items of type [X]MMWORD. It's even worse, since floating-point initializers are silently ignored for data items with sizes != 4, 8 and 10; since XMMWORD has size 16, it's impossible to initialize such an item directly. JWasm copies this Masm behavior, but to allow to initialize a XMMWORD with a floating-point value, one may use type coercion:
vxmm1 XMMWORD real4 ptr 1.0 ;bytes 4-15 will be 0
vxmm2 XMMWORD real8 ptr 1.0 ;bytes 8-15 will be 0
Variants that work in both JWasm and Masm, and also allow to initialize the full XMMWORD are:
real4 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0
real8 1.0, 2.0