3.13 Directive OPTION CODEVIEW

Asmc Macro Assembler

3.13 Directive OPTION CODEVIEW

The OPTION CODEVIEW directive allows to fine-tune the generation of symbolic debugging information. It has no effect at all if commandline option -Zi isn't set. Syntax:

There is currently only one switch :

[bit 0]: If 1, create symbols with indices S_[L|G]THREAD32 instead of S_[L|G]DATA32 for data items that are stored in segments with class 'TLS'. This allows the debugger to display the correct value of static TLS ( Thread Local Storage ) variables. Example:

    option codeview:1

_TLS segment dword alias(".tls") public 'TLS'
tvar DD -1      ;codeview symbol tvar will be S_LTHREAD32
_TLS ends