A Sandcastle Documented Class Library
IPluginHostOnStringDataSent Event |
Delegate gets called when any string data is sent to the IServer.
Namespace: AdiIRCAPIv2.Interfaces
Assembly: AdiIRCAPIv2 (in AdiIRCAPIv2.dll) Version: (

event StringDataSent OnStringDataSent
Event OnStringDataSent As StringDataSent
event StringDataSent^ OnStringDataSent { void add (StringDataSent^ value); void remove (StringDataSent^ value); }
abstract OnStringDataSent : IEvent<StringDataSent, EventArgs>
Type: AdiIRCAPIv2.DelegatesStringDataSent
You can modify the string args, AdiIRC will then send the modified string to the server. If the string is set to "", the raw message is ignored by AdiIRC.
Scripted Event Equivalent: on PARSELINE