IPluginHost Interface


IPluginHost Interface

Overall plugin manager

Namespace:  AdiIRCAPIv2.Interfaces
Assembly:  AdiIRCAPIv2 (in AdiIRCAPIv2.dll) Version: (
public interface IPluginHost
Public Interface IPluginHost
public interface class IPluginHost
type IPluginHost =  interface end

The IPluginHost type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActiveIWindow
Returns the current active IWindow.
Public propertyConfigFolder
Returns the AdiIRC config folder.
Public propertyEditboxOptions
Public propertyGetServers
Get a list of all IServers.
Public propertyGetVariables
Returns a list of global variables which are saved across sessions.
Public propertyGetWindows
Get a list of all IWindows.
Public propertyMainWindowHandle
Returns the main window handle.
Public propertyMessagesOptions
Public propertyProgramFolder
Returns the AdiIRC program folder.
Public propertySystemUptime
Returns System Uptime as a TimeSpan.
Public propertyUptime
Returns AdiIRC Uptime in as a TimeSpan.
Public methodEngineRegistration
Register this plugin as a Script Engine
Public methodHookCommand
Hook a command into AdiIRC, the handler will be triggered when the command is used.
Public methodHookIdentifier
Hook a identifier into AdiIRC, the handler will be triggered when the identifier is used.
Public methodUnHookCommand
Removes a command you have defined.
Public methodUnHookIdentifier
Removes a identifier you have defined.
Public eventOnApplicationClosing
Delegate gets called when AdiIRC is closing
Public eventOnApplicationFocusChanged
Delegate gets called when AdiIRC receives or loses focus
Public eventOnApplicationHostSuspended
Delegate gets called when the host OS goes into sleep/hibernation mode
Public eventOnApplicationHostWoken
Delegate gets called when the host OS comes back from sleep/hibernation mode
Public eventOnApplicationOptionsChanged
Delegate gets called when the user changes a options and the config file is reloaded
Public eventOnApplicationStarted
Delegate gets called after all plugins and scripts have been initialized
Public eventOnChannelActionMessage
Delegate gets called when your IUser recives a channel action message
Public eventOnChannelCtcpMessage
Delegate gets called when a IChannel receives a CTCP message
Public eventOnChannelCtcpReplyMessage
Delegate gets called when a IChannel receives a CTCP Reply message
Public eventOnChannelInvite
Delegate gets called when your IUser recives an IChannel invite
Public eventOnChannelJoin
Delegate gets called when a IChannelUser joines a IChannel
Public eventOnChannelKick
Delegate gets called when a IChannelUser is kicked from IChannel
Public eventOnChannelMode
Delegate gets called for each mode applied to an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeListBan
Delegate gets called when a ban is set(typically mode +b) for an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeListBanExempt
Delegate gets called when a ban exempt is set(typically mode +e) for an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeListBanUnexempt
Delegate gets called when a ban exempt is set(typically mode -e) for an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeListInviteExempt
Delegate gets called when a invite-exempt is set(typically mode +I) for an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeListInviteUnexempt
Delegate gets called when a invite-exempt is unset(typically mode -I) for an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeListQuiet
Delegate gets called when a quiet-ban is set(typically mode +q) for an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeListUnban
Delegate gets called when a ban is unset(typically mode -b) for an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeListUnquiet
Delegate gets called when a quiet-ban is unset(typically mode -q) for an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeUserAdmined
Delegate gets called when a user is admin'ed in an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeUserDeadmined
Delegate gets called when a user is de-admin'ed in an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeUserDehalfOpped
Delegate gets called when a user is de-halfop'ed in an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeUserDeopped
Delegate gets called when a user is de-op'ed in an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeUserDeownered
Delegate gets called when a user is de-owner'ed in an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeUserDevoiced
Delegate gets called when a user is devoiced in an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeUserHalfOpped
Delegate gets called when a user is halfop'ed in an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeUserOpped
Delegate gets called when a user is op'ed in an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeUserOwnered
Delegate gets called when a user is owner'ed in an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelModeUserVoiced
Delegate gets called when a user is voiced'ed in an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelNormalMessage
Delegate gets called when a IChannel revices a message
Public eventOnChannelNoticeMessage
Delegate gets called when a IChannel recives a notice
Public eventOnChannelPart
Delegate gets called when a IChannelUser parts a IChannel
Public eventOnChannelRawMode
Delegate gets called when a IChannel recieves a MODE message
Public eventOnChannelRawServerMode
Delegate gets called when a IChannel recieves a MODE event by a server
Public eventOnChannelServerMode
Delegate gets called for each mode applied to the IChannel by a server
Public eventOnChannelServerModeListBan
Delegate gets called when a ban is set(typically mode +b) for an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelServerModeListBanExempt
Delegate gets called when a ban exempt is set(typically mode +e) for an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelServerModeListBanUnexempt
Delegate gets called when a ban exempt is set(typically mode -e) for an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelServerModeListInviteExempt
Delegate gets called when a invite-exempt is set(typically mode +I) for an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelServerModeListInviteUnexempt
Delegate gets called when a invite-exempt is unset(typically mode -I) for an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelServerModeListQuiet
Delegate gets called when a quiet-ban is set(typically mode +q) for an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelServerModeListUnban
Delegate gets called when a ban is unset(typically mode -b) for an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelServerModeListUnquiet
Delegate gets called when a quiet-ban is unset(typically mode -q) for an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelServerModeUserAdmined
Delegate gets called when a user is admin'ed in an IChannel by a server
Public eventOnChannelServerModeUserDeadmined
Delegate gets called when a user is de-admin'ed in an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelServerModeUserDehalfOpped
Delegate gets called when a user is de-halfop'ed in an IChannel by a server
Public eventOnChannelServerModeUserDeopped
Delegate gets called when a user is de-op'ed in an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelServerModeUserDeownered
Delegate gets called when a user is de-owner'ed in an IChannel by a server
Public eventOnChannelServerModeUserDevoiced
Delegate gets called when a user is devoiced in an IChannel by a server
Public eventOnChannelServerModeUserHalfOpped
Delegate gets called when a user is halfop'ed in an IChannel by a server
Public eventOnChannelServerModeUserOpped
Delegate gets called when a user is op'ed in an IChannel
Public eventOnChannelServerModeUserOwnered
Delegate gets called when a user is owner'ed in an IChannel by a server
Public eventOnChannelServerModeUserVoiced
Delegate gets called when a user is voiced'ed in an IChannel by a server
Public eventOnChannelTopic
Delegate gets called when a IChannelUser changes topic in IChannel
Public eventOnConnect
Delegate gets called when an IServer's underlying socket successfully connects
Public eventOnConnectFailure
Delegate gets called when an IServer's underlying socket fails to connect
Public eventOnConnectionLogonSuccess
Delegate gets called after an IServer successfully logs on to an IRC server
Public eventOnDisconnect
Delegate gets called when an IServer's underlying socket is closed
Public eventOnDnsResolveEnd
Delegate gets called when a Dns attempt has finished
Public eventOnDnsResolveStarted
Delegate gets called when a Dns attempt has started
Public eventOnEditboxKeyDown
Delegate gets called when a key is pressed down in a Editbox
Public eventOnEditboxKeyUp
Delegate gets called when a key is released in a IEditbox
Public eventOnEngineScriptLoad
Delegate gets called when a script is (re)loaded from the Plugins Scripts Editor or from the /load and /reload command
Public eventOnEngineScriptUnload
Delegate gets called when a script is unloaded from the Plugins Scripts Editor or from the /unload command
Public eventOnMediaPlayerPlaybackStarted
Delegate gets called when the selected media player begins playing a media file
Public eventOnMenu
Delegate gets called when a menu is opened
Public eventOnMessageSent
Delegate gets called when AdiIRC sends a PRIVMSG or NOTICE to a IChannel or IPrivateWindow
Public eventOnNick
Delegate gets called when a IUser changes their nick
Public eventOnNotifyUserOffline
Delegate gets called when a user in the notify list disconnects from the IServer
Public eventOnNotifyUserOnline
Delegate gets called when a user in the notify list connects to the IServer
Public eventOnPrivateActionMessage
Delegate gets called when your IUser recives a private action message
Public eventOnPrivateCtcpMessage
Delegate gets called when your IUser receives a CTCP message
Public eventOnPrivateCtcpReplyMessage
Delegate gets called when your IUser receives a CTCP Reply message
Public eventOnPrivateNormalMessage
Delegate gets called when your IUser recives a private message
Public eventOnPrivateNoticeMessage
Delegate gets called when your IUser receives a notice
Public eventOnQuit
Delegate gets called when a IUser quits the IServer
Public eventOnRawBytesReceived
Delegate gets called when any raw data is recieved from an IServer
Public eventOnRawBytesSent
Delegate gets called when any raw data is sent to the IServer.
Public eventOnRawServerEventReceived
Delegate gets called when a IServer retrives a raw server message
Public eventOnScriptHttpDownloadEnd
Delegate gets called when adiirc finishes an HTTP download
Public eventOnScriptHttpDownloadStarted
Delegate gets called when AdiIRC starts an HTTP download
Public eventOnScriptSignalEvent
Delegate gets called when a scripted signal is emitted
Public eventOnServerErrorMessage
Delegate gets called when your IUser receives a server-sent ERROR message
Public eventOnServerNoticeMessage
Delegate gets called when your IUser receives a server-sent notice
Public eventOnServerPingReceived
Delegate gets called when a IServer receives a PING event
Public eventOnServerPongPreceived
Delegate gets called when a IServer receives a PING event
Public eventOnSoundPlaybackEnd
Delegate gets called when adiirc finishes playing any sound file
Public eventOnSoundPlayBackMidiEnd
Delegate gets called when adiirc finishes playing an MIDI file
Public eventOnSoundPlayBackMp3End
Delegate gets called when adiirc finishes playing an Mp3 file
Public eventOnSoundPlayBackWaveEnd
Delegate gets called when adiirc finishes playing an WAVE file
Public eventOnStringDataReceived
Delegate gets called when any string data is recieved from an IServer
Public eventOnStringDataSent
Delegate gets called when any string data is sent to the IServer.
Public eventOnUserInvitedToChannel
Delegate gets called when a user on IChannel revices an invite.
Public eventOnUserMode
Delegate gets called when your IUser receives a mode event
Public eventOnWindowBufferScrolled
Delegate gets called when a window buffer is scrolled
Public eventOnWindowClosed
Delegate gets called any IWindow is closed
Public eventOnWindowFocusChanged
Delegate gets called when the window focus changes with in AdiIRC
Public eventOnWindowOpened
Delegate gets called when any IWindow is opened
Public eventOnWindowRenamed
Delegate gets called any IWindow is renamed
Public eventOnZipCompressionEnd
Delegate gets called after a file|directory has finished being zipped
Public eventOnZipCompressionStarted
Delegate gets called after /zip is called
Public eventOnZipDecompressionEnd
Delegate gets called after a .zip has finished being extracted
Public eventOnZipDecompressionStarted
Delegate gets called after /unzip is called
See Also