A Sandcastle Documented Class Library
IPluginHost Interface |
Overall plugin manager
Namespace: AdiIRCAPIv2.Interfaces
Assembly: AdiIRCAPIv2 (in AdiIRCAPIv2.dll) Version: (
The IPluginHost type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ActiveIWindow |
Returns the current active IWindow.
| |
ConfigFolder |
Returns the AdiIRC config folder.
| |
EditboxOptions |
| |
GetServers |
Get a list of all IServers.
| |
GetVariables |
Returns a list of global variables which are saved across sessions.
| |
GetWindows |
Get a list of all IWindows.
| |
MainWindowHandle |
Returns the main window handle.
| |
MessagesOptions |
| |
ProgramFolder |
Returns the AdiIRC program folder.
| |
SystemUptime |
Returns System Uptime as a TimeSpan.
| |
Uptime |
Returns AdiIRC Uptime in as a TimeSpan.
Name | Description | |
EngineRegistration |
Register this plugin as a Script Engine
| |
HookCommand |
Hook a command into AdiIRC, the handler will be triggered when the command is used.
| |
HookIdentifier |
Hook a identifier into AdiIRC, the handler will be triggered when the identifier is used.
| |
UnHookCommand |
Removes a command you have defined.
| |
UnHookIdentifier |
Removes a identifier you have defined.
Name | Description | |
OnApplicationClosing |
Delegate gets called when AdiIRC is closing
| |
OnApplicationFocusChanged |
Delegate gets called when AdiIRC receives or loses focus
| |
OnApplicationHostSuspended |
Delegate gets called when the host OS goes into sleep/hibernation mode
| |
OnApplicationHostWoken |
Delegate gets called when the host OS comes back from sleep/hibernation mode
| |
OnApplicationOptionsChanged |
Delegate gets called when the user changes a options and the config file is reloaded
| |
OnApplicationStarted |
Delegate gets called after all plugins and scripts have been initialized
| |
OnChannelActionMessage |
Delegate gets called when your IUser recives a channel action message
| |
OnChannelCtcpMessage |
Delegate gets called when a IChannel receives a CTCP message
| |
OnChannelCtcpReplyMessage |
Delegate gets called when a IChannel receives a CTCP Reply message
| |
OnChannelInvite |
Delegate gets called when your IUser recives an IChannel invite
| |
OnChannelJoin |
Delegate gets called when a IChannelUser joines a IChannel
| |
OnChannelKick |
Delegate gets called when a IChannelUser is kicked from IChannel
| |
OnChannelMode |
Delegate gets called for each mode applied to an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeListBan |
Delegate gets called when a ban is set(typically mode +b) for an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeListBanExempt |
Delegate gets called when a ban exempt is set(typically mode +e) for an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeListBanUnexempt |
Delegate gets called when a ban exempt is set(typically mode -e) for an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeListInviteExempt |
Delegate gets called when a invite-exempt is set(typically mode +I) for an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeListInviteUnexempt |
Delegate gets called when a invite-exempt is unset(typically mode -I) for an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeListQuiet |
Delegate gets called when a quiet-ban is set(typically mode +q) for an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeListUnban |
Delegate gets called when a ban is unset(typically mode -b) for an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeListUnquiet |
Delegate gets called when a quiet-ban is unset(typically mode -q) for an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeUserAdmined |
Delegate gets called when a user is admin'ed in an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeUserDeadmined |
Delegate gets called when a user is de-admin'ed in an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeUserDehalfOpped |
Delegate gets called when a user is de-halfop'ed in an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeUserDeopped |
Delegate gets called when a user is de-op'ed in an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeUserDeownered |
Delegate gets called when a user is de-owner'ed in an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeUserDevoiced |
Delegate gets called when a user is devoiced in an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeUserHalfOpped |
Delegate gets called when a user is halfop'ed in an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeUserOpped |
Delegate gets called when a user is op'ed in an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeUserOwnered |
Delegate gets called when a user is owner'ed in an IChannel
| |
OnChannelModeUserVoiced |
Delegate gets called when a user is voiced'ed in an IChannel
| |
OnChannelNormalMessage |
Delegate gets called when a IChannel revices a message
| |
OnChannelNoticeMessage |
Delegate gets called when a IChannel recives a notice
| |
OnChannelPart |
Delegate gets called when a IChannelUser parts a IChannel
| |
OnChannelRawMode |
Delegate gets called when a IChannel recieves a MODE message
| |
OnChannelRawServerMode |
Delegate gets called when a IChannel recieves a MODE event by a server
| |
OnChannelServerMode |
Delegate gets called for each mode applied to the IChannel by a server
| |
OnChannelServerModeListBan |
Delegate gets called when a ban is set(typically mode +b) for an IChannel
| |
OnChannelServerModeListBanExempt |
Delegate gets called when a ban exempt is set(typically mode +e) for an IChannel
| |
OnChannelServerModeListBanUnexempt |
Delegate gets called when a ban exempt is set(typically mode -e) for an IChannel
| |
OnChannelServerModeListInviteExempt |
Delegate gets called when a invite-exempt is set(typically mode +I) for an IChannel
| |
OnChannelServerModeListInviteUnexempt |
Delegate gets called when a invite-exempt is unset(typically mode -I) for an IChannel
| |
OnChannelServerModeListQuiet |
Delegate gets called when a quiet-ban is set(typically mode +q) for an IChannel
| |
OnChannelServerModeListUnban |
Delegate gets called when a ban is unset(typically mode -b) for an IChannel
| |
OnChannelServerModeListUnquiet |
Delegate gets called when a quiet-ban is unset(typically mode -q) for an IChannel
| |
OnChannelServerModeUserAdmined |
Delegate gets called when a user is admin'ed in an IChannel by a server
| |
OnChannelServerModeUserDeadmined |
Delegate gets called when a user is de-admin'ed in an IChannel
| |
OnChannelServerModeUserDehalfOpped |
Delegate gets called when a user is de-halfop'ed in an IChannel by a server
| |
OnChannelServerModeUserDeopped |
Delegate gets called when a user is de-op'ed in an IChannel
| |
OnChannelServerModeUserDeownered |
Delegate gets called when a user is de-owner'ed in an IChannel by a server
| |
OnChannelServerModeUserDevoiced |
Delegate gets called when a user is devoiced in an IChannel by a server
| |
OnChannelServerModeUserHalfOpped |
Delegate gets called when a user is halfop'ed in an IChannel by a server
| |
OnChannelServerModeUserOpped |
Delegate gets called when a user is op'ed in an IChannel
| |
OnChannelServerModeUserOwnered |
Delegate gets called when a user is owner'ed in an IChannel by a server
| |
OnChannelServerModeUserVoiced |
Delegate gets called when a user is voiced'ed in an IChannel by a server
| |
OnChannelTopic |
Delegate gets called when a IChannelUser changes topic in IChannel
| |
OnConnect |
Delegate gets called when an IServer's underlying socket successfully connects
| |
OnConnectFailure |
Delegate gets called when an IServer's underlying socket fails to connect
| |
OnConnectionLogonSuccess |
Delegate gets called after an IServer successfully logs on to an IRC server
| |
OnDisconnect |
Delegate gets called when an IServer's underlying socket is closed
| |
OnDnsResolveEnd |
Delegate gets called when a Dns attempt has finished
| |
OnDnsResolveStarted |
Delegate gets called when a Dns attempt has started
| |
OnEditboxKeyDown |
Delegate gets called when a key is pressed down in a Editbox
| |
OnEditboxKeyUp |
Delegate gets called when a key is released in a IEditbox
| |
OnEngineScriptLoad |
Delegate gets called when a script is (re)loaded from the Plugins Scripts Editor or from the /load and /reload command
| |
OnEngineScriptUnload |
Delegate gets called when a script is unloaded from the Plugins Scripts Editor or from the /unload command
| |
OnMediaPlayerPlaybackStarted |
Delegate gets called when the selected media player begins playing a media file
| |
OnMenu |
Delegate gets called when a menu is opened
| |
OnMessageSent |
Delegate gets called when AdiIRC sends a PRIVMSG or NOTICE to a IChannel or IPrivateWindow
| |
OnNick |
Delegate gets called when a IUser changes their nick
| |
OnNotifyUserOffline |
Delegate gets called when a user in the notify list disconnects from the IServer
| |
OnNotifyUserOnline |
Delegate gets called when a user in the notify list connects to the IServer
| |
OnPrivateActionMessage |
Delegate gets called when your IUser recives a private action message
| |
OnPrivateCtcpMessage |
Delegate gets called when your IUser receives a CTCP message
| |
OnPrivateCtcpReplyMessage |
Delegate gets called when your IUser receives a CTCP Reply message
| |
OnPrivateNormalMessage |
Delegate gets called when your IUser recives a private message
| |
OnPrivateNoticeMessage |
Delegate gets called when your IUser receives a notice
| |
OnQuit |
Delegate gets called when a IUser quits the IServer
| |
OnRawBytesReceived |
Delegate gets called when any raw data is recieved from an IServer
| |
OnRawBytesSent |
Delegate gets called when any raw data is sent to the IServer.
| |
OnRawServerEventReceived |
Delegate gets called when a IServer retrives a raw server message
| |
OnScriptHttpDownloadEnd |
Delegate gets called when adiirc finishes an HTTP download
| |
OnScriptHttpDownloadStarted |
Delegate gets called when AdiIRC starts an HTTP download
| |
OnScriptSignalEvent |
Delegate gets called when a scripted signal is emitted
| |
OnServerErrorMessage |
Delegate gets called when your IUser receives a server-sent ERROR message
| |
OnServerNoticeMessage |
Delegate gets called when your IUser receives a server-sent notice
| |
OnServerPingReceived |
Delegate gets called when a IServer receives a PING event
| |
OnServerPongPreceived |
Delegate gets called when a IServer receives a PING event
| |
OnSoundPlaybackEnd |
Delegate gets called when adiirc finishes playing any sound file
| |
OnSoundPlayBackMidiEnd |
Delegate gets called when adiirc finishes playing an MIDI file
| |
OnSoundPlayBackMp3End |
Delegate gets called when adiirc finishes playing an Mp3 file
| |
OnSoundPlayBackWaveEnd |
Delegate gets called when adiirc finishes playing an WAVE file
| |
OnStringDataReceived |
Delegate gets called when any string data is recieved from an IServer
| |
OnStringDataSent |
Delegate gets called when any string data is sent to the IServer.
| |
OnUserInvitedToChannel |
Delegate gets called when a user on IChannel revices an invite.
| |
OnUserMode |
Delegate gets called when your IUser receives a mode event
| |
OnWindowBufferScrolled |
Delegate gets called when a window buffer is scrolled
| |
OnWindowClosed |
Delegate gets called any IWindow is closed
| |
OnWindowFocusChanged |
Delegate gets called when the window focus changes with in AdiIRC
| |
OnWindowOpened |
Delegate gets called when any IWindow is opened
| |
OnWindowRenamed |
Delegate gets called any IWindow is renamed
| |
OnZipCompressionEnd |
Delegate gets called after a file|directory has finished being zipped
| |
OnZipCompressionStarted |
Delegate gets called after /zip is called
| |
OnZipDecompressionEnd |
Delegate gets called after a .zip has finished being extracted
| |
OnZipDecompressionStarted |
Delegate gets called after /unzip is called
See Also