ChannelModeUserDeadminedArgs Properties


ChannelModeUserDeadminedArgs Properties

The ChannelModeUserDeadminedArgs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyByUser
Returns the IChannelUser who performed the mode change
Public propertyChannel
Returns the IChannel where the user got deadmined
Public propertyEatData
Gets or sets the current event proccessing state
Public propertyMessageTags
Returns a list of IRCv3 tags found in the raw line
Public propertyModeFirst
Returns true if this was the first mode change in the channel mode event
Public propertyModeLast
Returns true if this was the last mode change in the channel mode event
Public propertyRawBytes
Returns the raw event message without decoding
Public propertyRawMessage
Returns the raw event message
Public propertyServerTime
Returns the time the event was recieved
Public propertyUser
Returns the IUser which got deadmined
See Also