Highlighting Events
To set display highlighting properties, choose Highlight Preferences on the Highlight menu or from the context menu that appears when you right-click on an item in the Event Pane.
This action opens the Event Highlighting dialog box.
To highlight events in the same session handle as the selected item, click Sessions.
To highlight events with the same event handle as the selected item, click Related Items.
To highlight events whose process names contain specified text substrings, click Processes and type the text expression in the Process Name Filter list. Filter expression rules apply to text in the Process Name Filter.
To highlight events with Result Times that are longer than a specified time, click Highlight Events that take longer than and type the time in seconds.
To change a highlight color, click the Color button corresponding to the highlight option. This action opens the Highlight Color dialog box.
To toggle all highlighting on and off, choose Enable Highlighting on the Highlighting menu.
The Next and Prev toolbar buttons are disabled when highlighting is disabled or Error Result is not selected.