Command WR Insert picture area

4D Write

WR Insert picture area

version 6.5 (Modified)

WR Insert picture area (area; picture; where) Longint

areaLongint4D Write area
picturePicture4D Write area picture to insert
whereInteger1=Document end
0=Insertion point

Function result Longint Error code


The WR Insert picture area command inserts the 4D Write document in Picture into area.

where describes the position at which the new text will be inserted.

In the where parameter, you can pass one of the following constants, found in the "WR Parameters" theme:

Constants (value)Description
wr at insertion point (0)The text will be inserted at the current insertion point
wr at end of document (1)The text will be inserted at the end of the document

WR Insert picture area returns a long integer containing an error code.

If the insertion is successful, the value returned is 0. See Appendix C: Error Codes for error codes.


The following example adds the signature of the sender to the end of the document:

   QUERY([Sender]; [Sender]Name=[Letter]Sender)
   ErrorNum:=WR Insert picture area(area;[Sender]Signature_;wr at end of document)

See Also

WR Area to picture.