Command 4D Write Menu Items

4D Write

4D Write Menu Items

version 6.5

You can procedurally gain access to a 4D Write menu and select a menu item. In a method, you can determine the status of a menu or menu item. Each menu item is referenced by a unique integer. See Appendix B: Menu Item Numbers for a listing of menu item integers.

The menu item integers are generally based on the location of the menu and menu item. The menus are numbered from left to right in ascending order. For example, File = 100 and Edit = 200. Likewise, menu items are numbered in ascending order from top to bottom.

The numbers for these menu items always remain the same, even in future versions of 4D Write which may have new menu items. Any new menu items will use different numbers, even if placed between current menu items. This placement will invalidate the general rule of numbering menu items, but the menu references you use in methods will remain accurate, so you will not need to update them.

See Also

Appendix B: Menu Item Numbers, Commands in the Method Editor.