WR RGB to color
version 6.0
WR RGB to color (red; green; blue) Longint
Parameter | Type | Description | |
red | Longint | Red component (0 to 65535) | |
green | Longint | Green component (0 to 65535) | |
blue | Longint | Blue component (0 to 65535) |
Function result Longint Color
The WR RGB to color command returns a compact number that is used by 4D Write to manage colors. This number represents the three component colors: red, green, and blue. The red, green, and blue parameters are the same values used in your system's color picker. These values range from 0 to 65535.
The following table shows the values for red, green, and blue in commonly used colors:
The following example returns a color between two colors:
WR COLOR TO RGB (c1;r1;g1;b1)
WR COLOR TO RGB (c2;r2;g2;b2)
c3:=WR RGB To color ((r1+r2)/2;(g1+g2)/2;(b1+b2)/2)
See Also