Three-Dimensional Plots
Plot on a three-dimensional graph. The 3D Graph control can visualize data as a curve or surface using the Plot methods. A curve is comprised of a one-dimensional array of individual points on the graph, each point having an X, Y, and Z coordinate. Those points are then connected with a line. A curve is ideal for visualizing the path of a moving point, such as the flight path of a bullet. The 3D Graph control provides one method for plotting a curve: the CWGraph3D.Plot3DCurve method.
A surface plot is comprised of a two-dimensional array of points on the graph, each having an X, Y, and Z coordinate. Those points are then connected, forming a three-dimensional surface view of the data. For example, you might use a surface plot for terrain mapping. The 3D Graph control provides three methods for plotting a surface, depending on the type of data you have:
- CWGraph3D.Plot3DSimpleSurface: Use this method to plot one (or two) 2D array(s) of data, where the array provides the Z data for the surface while the indices provide the X and Y data. The optional second array is used to specify magnitude data.
- CWGraph3D.Plot3DParametricSurface: Use this method when you have three (or four) 2D arrays of data. The optional fourth array is used to specify magnitude data.
- CWGraph3D.Plot3DSurface: Use this method to plot two 1D arrays and one (or two) 2D array(s) of data, where the first two arrays provide the X and Y data and the third array provides the Z data. The optional fourth array is used to specify magnitude data.