Example: Plot Styles

3D Graph Control

Example: Plot Styles

Demonstrates the plotting methods and plot styles.


Press each of the plot buttons to plot data, and then experiment with each of the plot styles for that particular plot button. The Plot Curve button uses the Plot3DCurve method on the graph. The Plot Dual Sine Surface button uses the Plot3DSurface method. The Plot Torus button uses the Plot3DParametricSurface method. The Plot Random Surface button uses the Plot3DSimpleSurface method.

Note: Some plot styles are not supported on plots created with the Plot3DCurve method.

Controls, Properties, Methods, and Events

This example demonstrates the following controls, properties, methods, and events:


Plots, Plot3DCurve, Plot3DSurface, Plot3DSimpleSurface, Plot3DParametricSurface


Style, ClearData, ColorMapStyle

Example Location

Samples\UI\3DGraph\Plot Styles