
3D Graph Control


The CWGraph3D object has properties that affect the overall appearance of the control. It also has collections of axes, plots, and lights. To set properties for a specific part of the control, set the properties on the object corresponding to that part.


AmbientLightColorSpecifies the ambient light color for the graph.
AxesSpecifies a collection of CWAxis3D objects.
BackColorSpecifies the color for the background of the caption.
CaptionSpecifies the caption for the 3D graph.
CaptionColorSpecifies the color of the caption text.
ClipDataIndicates if the data is clipped to the axes ranges.
CursorsSpecifies a collection of CWCursor3D objects.
DitherSpecifies the dither mode of the graph.
EnabledSpecifies if the graph generates any events.
FastDrawSpecifies how the graph is drawn during interactive operations such as rotating, zooming, and panning.
FontSpecifies the font for the caption.
GraphFrameColorSpecifies the color for the graph frame.
GraphFrameVisibleSpecifies if the graph frame is visible.
GridFrameColorSpecifies the color of the graph's grid frame.
GridSmoothingSpecifies the smoothing mode for grid lines.
GridXY, GridXZ, GridYZGridXY draws the XY grid plane when set to True.

GridXZ draws the XZ grid plane when set to True.

GridYZ draws the YZ grid plane when set to True.
ImmediateUpdatesSpecifies if the graph draws new data as soon as it is available, or if the form refreshes the graph when it draws other controls.
KeyboardModeSpecifies how the control handles keyboard input from the user.
LightingEnables graph lighting when set to True.
LightsSpecifies a collection of CWLights.
PlotAreaColorSpecifies the background color of the plot area.
PlotsSpecifies a collection of CWPlot3D objects.
PlotTemplateReturns the CWPlot3D object to use as a template for new plots.
ProjectionStyleSpecifies the projection style of the graph.
ReadyStateReturns the ready state.
TrackModeDetermines the type of events generated and other automatic processing, such as how the mouse interacts with the graph during run time.
Use3DHardwareAccelerationDetermines if the 3D Graph control renders directly to the display adapter.
ViewAutoDistanceSpecifies how the viewing distance is set.
ViewDistanceSpecifies the distance of the viewing position from the center of the view as defined by ViewXCenter, ViewYCenter, and ViewZCenter.
ViewLatitudeSpecifies the latitude in degees of the viewing position.
ViewLongitudeSpecifies the longitude in degrees of the viewing position.
ViewModeSpecifies the viewing position of the graph.
ViewXCenter, ViewYCenter, ViewZCenterSpecify the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the center of the view.
WindowlessSpecifies if the control has a window.


AboutBoxDisplays the About Box for the control.
ClearDataClears data in all plots.
ControlImageReturns an image of the entire control.
ExportStyleExports the style of the control to a .cwx file.
ImportStyleImports a previously exported style to the control.
Plot3DCurvePlots three (or four) 1D arrays of data as a parametric curve.
Plot3DMeshPlots three (or four) 1D arrays of data as a triangulated surface.
Plot3DParametricSurfacePlots three (or four) 2D arrays of data as a parametric surface.
Plot3DSimpleSurfacePlots one (or two) 2D array(s) of data as a surface.
Plot3DSurfacePlots two 1D arrays and one (or two) 2D array(s) of data as a surface.
SetDefaultViewRestores the default viewing parameters after panning, zooming, or rotating the graph.


ClickGenerates a Click event when you click the mouse on the control.
CursorChangeGenerates the CursorChange event when you reposition a cursor with the mouse.
DblClickGenerates a DblClick event when you double-click the mouse on the control.
KeyDown, KeyUpGenerates the KeyUp event when you release a key while the control has the input focus.

Generates the KeyDown event when you press a key while the control has the input focus.
KeyPressGenerated when the control has focus and you press a key.
MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUpGenerates the MouseDown event when you click the mouse on the control.

Generates the MouseMove event when you move the mouse over the control.

Generates the MouseUp event when you release the mouse on the control.
PanGenerates the Pan event when you pan the graph up and down or left and right.
PlotAreaMouseDown, PlotAreaMouseMove, PlotAreaMouseUpGenerates PlotAreaMouseDown when you click the mouse on the plot area.

Generates PlotAreaMouseMove when you move the mouse over the plot area.

Generates PlotAreaMouseUp when you release the mouse over the plot area.
PlotMouseDown, PlotMouseMove, PlotMouseUpGenerates PlotMouseDown when you click the mouse on a plot.

Generates PlotMouseMove when you move the mouse over a plot.

Generates PlotMouseUp when you release the mouse over a plot.
ReadyStateChangeGenerates the event when the ready state changes.
RotateGenerates the Rotate event when you rotate the graph.
ZoomGenerates the Zoom event when you zoom in or out on the plot.

See Also

Three-Dimensional Plots (concept)