Graph3D Overview
Plots three-dimensional data on a user interface. For many real-world data sets, such as terrain contours, the motion of an airplane in three dimensions, the temperature distribution on a surface, and joint time-frequency analysis, you must visualize the data in three dimensions. With the Measurement Studio 3D Graph control, you can visualize three-dimensional data and modify the way that data appears by modifying graph, plot, and contour properties.
- Multiple plot styles: point, line, line-point, hidden-line, contour, surface, surface-line, surface-contour, and surface-normal
- Multiple plots with individual properties such as name, fill color, line style, and contour levels
- Configurable axes, including customizable ticks, labels, value pairs, captions, and autoscaling
- Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems
- Custom color maps
- Transparency
- Plane projections
- Orthographic and perspective viewing
- Lighting
- Built-in format styles for labels, including scientific, symbolic engineering, scaling, time, and date
- Rotation, panning and zooming at runtime. Panning is useful when the graph displays only a subset of the data that has been plotted. You can scroll through all data plotted on the graph, essentially shifting the graph's display to different portions of the plot. You can use zooming to enlarge or diminish a portion of the plot displayed by the graph. For example, if you zoom on a section of a plot, the graph displays a smaller portion of the plot in the same amount of display area, which enlarges the detail of that section.
- 3D hardware acceleration
- Triangulation of arbitrarily arranged data (Plot3DMesh method)
- In addition to the examples and documentation included with the Measurement Studio Reference, go to the National Instruments Developer Zone, which provides access to the latest example programs, tutorials, and technical news, as well as a community of developers ready to share their techniques.
- To get information about any of the properties in the 3D graph control's property pages, right click on the property and select What's This?. For complete reference information about this control and its properties, click on the Visual Basic or Visual C++ Reference link.
- In Visual C++, if you select the ALL tab in the property pages, the What's This? help is disabled.