Example: Mouse Events (3D Graph)

3D Graph Control

Example: Mouse Events (3D Graph)

Shows which events are fired and what values they contain when you select different track modes on the 3D Graph.


Press the Plot Surfaces button to plot two surfaces. Select the ZoomPanRotate track mode; zoom, pan, and rotate graph; and observe the corresponding events being fired.

  • To rotate the graph, click and hold the left mouse button and move the mouse.

  • To zoom in on a plot, press and hold the <Alt> key, click and hold with the left mouse button, and move the mouse. You also can zoom with the mouse wheel.

  • To pan the graph, press and hold the <Shift> key, click and hold with the left mouse button, and move the mouse.

Select the PlotAreaEvents or the AllEvents track mode. Move the mouse over the graph and observe the effect of different mouse buttons and the <Alt> , <Ctrl> , and <Shift> keys.

Controls, Properties, Methods, and Events

This example demonstrates the following controls, properties, methods, and events:


TrackMode, Zoom, Pan, Rotate, PlotAreaMouseDown, PlotMouseDown

Example Location
