
3D Graph

Class CNiLight Base ClassesData ItemsConstructorsDestructorsFunctionsGo to hierarchy chart    Prev page: operator =Next page: Attenuation    
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'Overview' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Overview

CNiLight encapsulates the interface to a single light on a 3D graph object, which allows you to modify its appearance and behavior.

Lights are positioned within the world coordinates of the graph using the following properties:

  • Longitude
  • Latitude
  • Distance

You get individual lights using the Lights property on a CNiGraph3D object.

Note: To specify a date/time value, you must convert your date or time value to a double. A date is implemented as a floating-point value with the integer part of the number measuring days from midnight, 30 December 1899, and the fractional part representing the time of day. The absolute value of the fractional part of the number represents the time as a fraction of a day. Thus, 1 second equals 1 / 24 hours / 60 minutes, which is 1/86400 or approximately 1.157407e-5. So, midnight, 31 December 1899, is represented by 1.0. Similarly, 6 AM, 1 January 1900, is represented by 2.25, and midnight, 29 December 1899, is -1.0. However, 6 AM, 29 December 1899, is -1.25.

Hierarchy Chart Hierarchy Chart

'Base Classes' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Base Classes

'Data Items' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Data Items

Public data LightAttenuationStyles Attenuation Specifies the attenuation style of the light source.
Public data CNiColor Color Specifies the color of the light source.
Public data double Distance Specifies the distance of the light source from the origin of the graph.
Public data bool Enabled Enables lighting when set to true.
Public data double Latitude Specifies the latitudinal position of the light source.
Public data double Longitude Specifies the longitudinal position of the light source.

'Constructors' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Constructors

Public constructor


Default constructor.
Public constructor

CNiLight( CWLight_CI* pCustom, CNiInterface::ThreadAccess option )

Constructor that attaches to the specified CWLight_CI pointer.
Public constructor

CNiLight( const CNiLight& source )

Copy constructor.

'Destructors' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Destructors

Public destructor



'Functions' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Functions

Public function static const IID &


Returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the ActiveX interface to which this class connects.
Public function const CNiLight &

operator =( const CNiLight& source )

Assignment operator.

Shortcut to top of page. Example

// Set the attenuation mode of the third light in a 3D graph.
CNiGraph3D graph;
CNiLight light = graph.Lights.Item(3);
light.Attenuation = CNiLight::Quadratic;