
3D Graph

Class CNiPlot3D Base ClassesData ItemsConstructorsDestructorsFunctionsGo to hierarchy chart    Prev page: Plot3DSurfaceNext page: AutoScale    
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'Overview' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Overview

CNiPlot3D encapsulates the interface to a single plot of 3D graph control, which allows you to modify its appearance and behavior.

You obtain individual plots using the Plots property on a CNiGraph3D object.

Note: To specify a date/time value, you must convert your date or time value to a double. A date is implemented as a floating-point value with the integer part of the number measuring days from midnight, 30 December 1899, and the fractional part representing the time of day. The absolute value of the fractional part of the number represents the time as a fraction of a day. Thus, 1 second equals 1 / 24 hours / 60 minutes, which is 1/86400 or approximately 1.157407e-5. So, midnight, 31 December 1899, is represented by 1.0. Similarly, 6 AM, 1 January 1900, is represented by 2.25, and midnight, 29 December 1899, is -1.0. However, 6 AM, 29 December 1899, is -1.25.

Hierarchy Chart Hierarchy Chart

'Base Classes' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Base Classes

'Data Items' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Data Items

Public data bool AutoScale Specifies if the extents of the data in the plot affect the extents of an autoscaling axis.
Public data bool CacheData Improves drawing performance by caching intermediate calculations when set to true.
Public data bool ColorMapAutoScale Specifies if the color map rescales its values when the plot data changes.
Public data CNiColorVector ColorMapColors ColorMapColors and ColorMapValues specify a custom color map.
Public data bool ColorMapInterpolate Specifies if the color map interpolates between colors.
Public data bool ColorMapLog Specifies if the color map interpolates logarithmically.
Public data ColorMapStyles ColorMapStyle Specifies the color map used by the plot.
Public data CNiReal64Vector ColorMapValues ColorMapColors and ColorMapValues specify a custom color map.
Public data CNiContours Contours Gets a collection of contour objects associated with the plot.
Public data CoordinateSystems CoordinateSystem Specifies the coordinate system of the plot.
Public data bool Enabled Specifies if the plot generates mouse events when CNiGraph3D.TrackMode = TrackAllEvents and the plot is visible.
Public data CNiColor FillColor Specifies the color to use for drawing the plot surface.
Public data FillStyles FillStyle Specifies the fill style of the plot.
Public data CNiColor LineColor Specifies the color of lines for connecting points in the plot.
Public data LineStyles LineStyle Specifies the style of lines for connecting points on a plot.
Public data double LineWidth Specifies the width of the plotting line.
Public data bool MultiPlot Determines if the CNiGraph3D plot functions can use this plot.
Public data CString Name Specifies the name of the plot.
Public data CNiColor PointColor Specifies the color for points on a plot.
Public data long PointFrequency Specifies the frequency of points in the plot.
Public data double PointSize Specifies the size of the plot points in points.
Public data PointStyles PointStyle Specifies the style of the points in the plot.
Public data bool ProjectionXY ProjectionXY draws the X-Y plane projection of the plot when true.
Public data bool ProjectionXZ ProjectionXZ draws the X-Z plane projection of the plot when true.
Public data bool ProjectionYZ ProjectionYZ draws the Y-Z plane projection of the plot when true.
Public data bool ShowProjectionsOnly Defines the show-projections-only mode.
Public data PlotStyles Style Specifies the style of the plot.
Public data long Transparency Indicates the percentage of transparency.
Public data bool Visible Specifies if the plot is visible or hidden.
Public data CNiAxis3D XAxis Gets the x axis for the plot.
Public data CNiAxis3D YAxis Gets the y axis for the plot.
Public data CNiAxis3D ZAxis Gets the z axis for the plot.

'Constructors' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Constructors

Public constructor


Default constructor.
Public constructor

CNiPlot3D( CWPlot3D_CI* pCustom, CNiInterface::ThreadAccess option )

Constructor that attaches to the specified CWPlot3D_CI pointer.
Public constructor

CNiPlot3D( const CNiPlot3D& source )

Copy constructor.

'Destructors' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Destructors

Public destructor



'Functions' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Functions

Public function void


Clears the data currently associated with the plot.
Public function static const IID &


Returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the ActiveX interface to which this class connects.
Public function const CNiPlot3D &

operator =( const CNiPlot3D& source )

Assignment operator.
Public function void

Plot3DCurve( const CNiVector& x, const CNiVector& y, const CNiVector& z, const CNiVector& w )

Plots a set of vectors as a parametric curve plot.
Public function void

Plot3DCurve( const CNiVector& x, const CNiVector& y, const CNiVector& z )

Plots a set of vectors as a parametric curve plot.
Public function void

Plot3DMesh( const CNiVector& x, const CNiVector& y, const CNiVector& z, const CNiVector& w )

Plots three (or four) 1D arrays of data as a triangulated surface.
Public function void

Plot3DMesh( const CNiVector& x, const CNiVector& y, const CNiVector& z )

Plots three (or four) 1D arrays of data as a triangulated surface.
Public function void

Plot3DParametricSurface( const CNiMatrix& X, const CNiMatrix& Y, const CNiMatrix& Z, const CNiMatrix& W )

Plots a set of matrices as a parametric surface plot.
Public function void

Plot3DParametricSurface( const CNiMatrix& X, const CNiMatrix& Y, const CNiMatrix& Z )

Plots a set of matrices as a parametric surface plot.
Public function void

Plot3DSimpleSurface( const CNiMatrix& Z, const CNiMatrix& W )

Plots a matrix of data as a simple surface plot.
Public function void

Plot3DSimpleSurface( const CNiMatrix& Z )

Plots a matrix of data as a simple surface plot.
Public function void

Plot3DSurface( const CNiVector& x, const CNiVector& y, const CNiMatrix& Z, const CNiMatrix& W )

Plots a matrix of data as a surface plot.
Public function void

Plot3DSurface( const CNiVector& x, const CNiVector& y, const CNiMatrix& Z )

Plots a matrix of data as a surface plot.

Shortcut to top of page. Example

// Add a surface plot to the graph.
CNiGraph3D graph;
CNiReal64Matrix surface(20, 20);
// Get the plot from the graph and change its color map style.
CNiPlot3D plot = graph.Plots.Item(1);
plot.ColorMapStyle = CNiPlot3D::ColorSpectrum;