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Public Data Item |
Declared in: NiGraph3d.h |
TrackModes TrackMode;
Determines the type of events generated and other automatic processing (for example, how the mouse interacts with the graph during run time). The following list includes valid values for this function.
- CNiGraph3D::TrackPlotAreaEvents - Generates mouse events only for the plot area.
- CNiGraph3D::TrackAllEvents - Generates mouse events for plots and the plot area. Does not fire zoom, pan, or rotate events.
- CNiGraph3D::TrackCursors - Fire cursor events.
- CNiGraph3D::TrackZoomPanRotate - Fires zoom, pan, rotate, and cursor events.
To rotate, pan, and zoom 3D graphs in an application that is running, set TrackMode to TrackZoomPanRotate. Use the following steps to rotate, zoom, and pan a 3D graph.
- To rotate the graph, press and hold the left mouse button and drag.
- To zoom on the graph, press and hold the <Alt> key and the left mouse button while dragging the mouse forward and backward. If your mouse is a scrolling mouse, you also can zoom on the graph by rotating the wheel.
- To pan the graph, press and hold the <Shift> key and the left mouse button while dragging the mouse.
To move cursors in an application that is running, set TrackMode to CNiGraph3D::TrackZoomPanRotate or CNiGraph3D::TrackCursors. Use the left mouse button to click and drag cursors. The mouse icon changes when you are near enough to drag a cursor.
Note: If the property CNiGraph3D.Enabled is false, all tracking and events are disabled.