Step 1 Remove Real Start and Terminate Dates from the Editor

LANSA Deployment Tool

Step 1. Remove Real Start and Terminate Dates from the Editor

DTE030 – Modify the Employees Application

In order to make the changes made visible, remove all code by making it a comment line (use Ctrl+W ).

1.  Using your initials, open the reusable part (II_EDIT) in the VL editor.

2.  In the Source code use Find to locate STARTDTER. The code for TERMDATER is at the same location.

a.  Comment out the following 4 lines of code to remove the fields from the user interface. 

Define_Com Class(#STARTDTER.Visual) Name(#STARTDTER) Componentversion(1) Displayposition(10) Height(21) Left(15) Parent(#COM_OWNER) Tabposition(10) Top(294) Usepicklist(False) Width(493)

Define_Com Class(#PRIM_ATLI) Name(#ATLI_STARTDTER) Attachment(Top) Manage(#STARTDTER) Marginbottom(5) Marginleft(5) Marginright(5) Margintop(5) Parent(#ATLM_Editor)

Define_Com Class(#TERMDATER.Visual) Name(#TERMDATER) Componentversion(1) Displayposition(12) Height(21) Left(15) Parent(#COM_OWNER) Tabposition(12) Top(356) Usepicklist(False) Width(493)

Define_Com Class(#PRIM_ATLI) Name(#ATLI_TERMDATER) Attachment(Top) Manage(#TERMDATER) Marginbottom(5) Marginleft(5) Marginright(5) Margintop(5) Parent(#ATLM_Editor)


3.  Comment the following 2 lines from the component Initialize event routine.




4.  Comment out these two event handling routines:

Evtroutine Handling(#STARTDTER.Changed)


#EditorModified := True

Signal Event(Changed)


Evtroutine Handling(#TERMDATER.Changed)


#EditorModified := True

Signal Event(Changed)



5.  Compile II_EDIT