Sample Sales Data Mart

Transact-SQL Samples


Sample Sales Data Mart

The sales data mart is a sample database schema published by Silverston, Inmon, and Graziano, and licensed for use with Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000. This sample includes definitions of tables frequently used when implementing models of Sales department.

Default Location

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Devtools\Samples\Silverstondb\DWSales

Running the Samples
  1. In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, create a database to store the sample schema elements.

  2. In SQL Query Analyzer, run Dwsales_tables.sql to create the tables, and then run Dwsales_constraints.sql to create primary and foreign key constraints.

  3. In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, open the database you just created to view the contents.

See Also

Database Schema Samples