Database Schema Samples

Transact-SQL Samples


Database Schema Samples

Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 includes a license for four popular database schema samples that are developed and documented by Len Silverston, W.H. Inmon, and Kent Graziano, authors of The Data Model Resource Book (published by John Wiley, Inc. 1999, ISBN: 0-471-15364-8).

You can review these samples to learn about database schema construction, use them as a basis for building your own custom schemas, or gain hands-on experience by working with the schemas while reading The Data Model Resource Book. For detailed descriptions and ideas for deploying the Silverston database schemas in database and modeling tools, you should refer to The Data Model Resource Book.

The Silverston database schema samples are available only with SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.

Each sample consists of SQL scripts that populate a database with tables and columns, and a Microsoft Word document that describes schema definitions. There is no sample data for the sample schemas. The following samples are included:

Installing Samples

To install the samples, you can run a custom setup and select Code Samples. You can also select Code Samples when you run Setup to add components to your existing installation.

Samples are installed as a self-extracting file. To extract the samples, double-click Unzip_silverstondb.exe, located at C:\Program Files\
Microsoft SQL Server\80\Devtools\Samples\silverstondb.

See Also

Code Samples

Setup Type: Typical, Minimum, or Custom