Copying Files To and From Remote Machines
You can copy files using the RCP via RSH tab or the RCP via REXEC tab:
- Run RCP via RSH to copy files from a remote machine using your user name and password.
- Run RCP via REXEC to copy files from a remote machine using a user name and a password other than your registered values.
To use RCP via RSH and RCP via REXEC:
- In the Remote Tools dialog box, click the RCP via RSH tab or the RCP via REXEC tab.
- In the Remote Host box, type the name or IP address of the remote host to which you want to connect. You can select a previous host from the drop-down list.
- If you are running RCP via RSH, type the user name of your server account in the Remote User box and your local user name in the Local User box.
- OR
- If you are running the RCP via REXEC, type the user name of your server account and the password in the respective boxes.
- In the Remote File box, type the full path of the source file, or use Browse to search for the location you want.
- In the Local File box, type the full path of the file’s destination, or use Browse to search for the location you want.
- Click Copy to Remote to copy a local file to the remote server.
- OR
- Click Copy from Remote to copy a remote file to your local PC.