SQL Server Network Utility (General Tab)

SQL Server Network Configuration

Network Configuration Help

SQL Server Network Utility (General Tab)

Use this tab to view or specify server properties, including protocols, encryption, and proxies.


Instance(s) on this server

Select the instance of Microsoft® SQL Server™ you wish to view or for which you want to change the protocols.

Disabled protocols

View all disabled protocols for the selected instance of SQL Server.

Enabled protocols

View all enabled protocols for the selected instance of SQL Server. The Banyan VINES Net-Library has not been enhanced and runs at a SQL Server 7.0 level of functionality. This Net-Library is available for backward compatibility only, and it is not supported on named instances.


Enable the selected protocol for the specified instance of SQL Server.


Disable the selected protocol for the specified instance of SQL Server.


View the properties for the selected protocol.

Force protocol encryption

Enable protocol encryption. Encryption is a method for keeping sensitive information confidential by changing data into an unreadable form. Encryption ensures that data remains secure by keeping the information hidden from all users, even if they view the encrypted data directly.

If you want to use encryption with a failover cluster, you must install the server certificate with the fully qualified DNS name of the virtual server on all nodes in the failover cluster. For example, if you have a two-node cluster, with nodes named test1.redmond.corp.microsoft.com and test2.redmond.corp.microsoft.com and a virtual SQL Server "Virtsql", you need to get a certificate for "virtsql.redmond.corp.microsoft.com" and install the certificate on both nodes. You can then check the Force protocol encryption check box on the Server Network Utility to configure your failover cluster for encryption.

Enable WinSock proxy

Set SQL Server to listen on a proxy server using Microsoft Proxy Server over TCP/IP Sockets.

WinSock proxy address

Specify a WinSock proxy server address.

WinSock proxy port

Specify a WinSock proxy server port number.

See Also

How to deactivate a server network library configuration (Network Utility)

How to edit a server network library configuration (Network Utility)

How to load an installed server network library (Network Utility)