Virtual Directory Properties Dialog Box (Settings Tab)
Use this tab to specify the type of Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 access you want to provide through the virtual directory.
Note Template and schema files can be stored anywhere. When a virtual name is created for the template or schema, the directory path specifies the location of these files.
By default, only templates are permitted in the URL. Optionally, execution of SQL queries, XPath queries or POST queries can also be allowed at the URL.
Allow URL queries
Execute SQL queries directly at the URL. For security reasons, it is recommended that you not use this option.
Allow template queries
Execute a template in the URL. A template is a valid XML document, consisting of one or more SQL queries. This option is enabled by default.
Allow XPath
Execute XPath queries against annotated mapping schemas directly at the URL.
Allow POST
Enable the posting of the data to the database. By default, users cannot send data to the server but can access the data from the server.
Maximum size of POST queries (in kilobytes)
Specify the maximum amount of data (in kilobytes) that can be sent to the server per query.