
Source code for

# Copyright © 2009-2012 CEA
# Pierre Raybaut
# Licensed under the terms of the CECILL License
# (see guiqwt/ for details)

# pylint: disable=C0103


The `io` module provides input/output helper functions:
    * :py:func:``: load an image (.png, .tiff, 
      .dicom, etc.) and return its data as a NumPy array
    * :py:func:``: save an array to an image file
    * :py:func:``: load plot items from HDF5
    * :py:func:``: save plot items to HDF5


.. autofunction:: imread
.. autofunction:: imwrite
.. autofunction:: load_items
.. autofunction:: save_items

import sys
import re
import os.path as osp

import numpy as np

# Local imports
from guiqwt.config import _

def scale_data_to_dtype(data, dtype):
    """Scale array `data` to fit datatype `dtype` dynamic range
    WARNING: modifies data in place"""
    info = np.iinfo(dtype)
    dmin = data.min()
    dmax = data.max()
    data -= dmin
    data *= float(info.max-info.min)/(dmax-dmin)
    data += float(info.min)
    return np.array(data, dtype)
def eliminate_outliers(data, percent=2., bins=256):
    """Eliminate data histogram outliers"""
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(data, bins)
    from guiqwt.histogram import hist_range_threshold
    vmin, vmax = hist_range_threshold(hist, bin_edges, percent)
    return data.clip(vmin, vmax)

# I/O File type definitions
class FileType(object):
    """Filetype object:
        * `name` : description of filetype,
        * `read_func`, `write_func` : I/O callbacks,
        * `extensions`: filename extensions (with a dot!) or filenames,
        (list, tuple or space-separated string)
        * `data_types`: supported data types"""        
    def __init__(self, name, extensions, read_func=None, write_func=None,
                 data_types=None, requires_template=False): = name
        if isinstance(extensions, basestring):
            extensions = extensions.split()
        self.extensions = [osp.splitext(' '+ext)[1] for ext in extensions]
        self.read_func = read_func
        self.write_func = write_func
        self.data_types = data_types
        self.requires_template = requires_template
    def matches(self, action, dtype, template):
        """Return True if file type matches passed data type and template
        (or if dtype is None)"""
        assert action in ('load', 'save')
        matches = dtype is None or self.data_types is None \
                  or dtype in self.data_types
        if action == 'save' and self.requires_template:
            matches = matches and template is not None
        return matches
    def wcards(self):
        return "*"+(" *".join(self.extensions))
    def filters(self, action, dtype, template):
        assert action in ('load', 'save')
        if self.matches(action, dtype, template):
            return '\n%s (%s)' % (, self.wcards)
            return ''

class ImageIOHandler(object):
    """I/O handler: regroup all FileType objects"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.filetypes = []

    def allfilters(self, action, dtype, template):
        wcards = ' '.join([ftype.wcards for ftype in self.filetypes
                           if ftype.matches(action, dtype, template)])
        return '%s (%s)' % (_("All supported files"), wcards)
    def get_filters(self, action, dtype=None, template=None):
        """Return file type filters for `action` (string: 'save' or 'load'),
        `dtype` data type (None: all data types), and `template` (True if save 
        function requires a template (e.g. DICOM files), False otherwise)"""
        filters = self.allfilters(action, dtype, template)
        for ftype in self.filetypes:
            filters += ftype.filters(action, dtype, template)
        return filters
    def add(self, name, extensions, read_func=None, write_func=None,
            import_func=None, data_types=None, requires_template=None):
        if import_func is not None:
            except ImportError:
        assert read_func is not None or write_func is not None
        ftype = FileType(name, extensions, read_func=read_func,
                         write_func=write_func, data_types=data_types,
    def _get_filetype(self, ext):
        """Return FileType object associated to file extension `ext`"""
        for ftype in self.filetypes:
            if ext.lower() in ftype.extensions:
                return ftype
            raise RuntimeError("Unsupported file type: '%s'" % ext)
    def get_readfunc(self, ext):
        """Return read function associated to file extension `ext`"""
        ftype = self._get_filetype(ext)
        if ftype.read_func is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Unsupported file type (read): '%s'" % ext)
            return ftype.read_func
    def get_writefunc(self, ext):
        """Return read function associated to file extension `ext`"""
        ftype = self._get_filetype(ext)
        if ftype.write_func is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Unsupported file type (write): '%s'" % ext)
            return ftype.write_func

iohandler = ImageIOHandler()

# PIL-based Private I/O functions
if sys.byteorder == 'little':
    _ENDIAN = '<'
    _ENDIAN = '>'

          "1": ('|b1', None),
          "L": ('|u1', None),
          "I": ('%si4' % _ENDIAN, None),
          "F": ('%sf4' % _ENDIAN, None),
          "I;16": ('%su2' % _ENDIAN, None),
          "I;16B": ('%su2' % _ENDIAN, None),
          "I;16S": ('%si2' % _ENDIAN, None),
          "P": ('|u1', None),
          "RGB": ('|u1', 3),
          "RGBX": ('|u1', 4),
          "RGBA": ('|u1', 4),
          "CMYK": ('|u1', 4),
          "YCbCr": ('|u1', 4),

def _imread_pil(filename, to_grayscale=False):
    """Open image with PIL and return a NumPy array"""
    import PIL.Image
    import PIL.TiffImagePlugin # py2exe
                                   0, 1, 1, (16,), ())] = ("I;16", "I;16")
    img =
    if img.mode in ("CMYK", "YCbCr"):
        # Converting to RGB
        img = img.convert("RGB")
    if to_grayscale and img.mode in ("RGB", "RGBA", "RGBX"):
        # Converting to grayscale
        img = img.convert("L")
    elif img.mode == "P":
        img = img.convert("RGB")
    elif "A" in img.mode:
        img = img.convert("RGBA")
        dtype, extra = DTYPES[img.mode]
    except KeyError:
        raise RuntimeError("%s mode is not supported" % img.mode)
    shape = (img.size[1], img.size[0])
    if extra is not None:
        shape += (extra,)
        return np.array(img, dtype=np.dtype(dtype)).reshape(shape)
    except SystemError:
        return np.array(img.getdata(), dtype=np.dtype(dtype)).reshape(shape)

def _imwrite_pil(filename, arr):
    """Write `arr` NumPy array to `filename` using PIL"""
    import PIL.Image
    import PIL.TiffImagePlugin # py2exe
    for mode, (dtype_str, _extra) in DTYPES.iteritems():
        if dtype_str == arr.dtype.str:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot determine PIL data type")
    img = PIL.Image.fromarray(arr, mode)

# DICOM Private I/O functions
def _import_dcm():
    """DICOM Import function (checking for required libraries):
    DICOM support requires library `pydicom`"""
    import logging
    logger = logging.getLogger("pydicom")
    import dicom  # analysis:ignore

def _imread_dcm(filename):
    """Open DICOM image with pydicom and return a NumPy array"""
    import dicom
    dcm = dicom.ReadFile(filename)
    # **********************************************************************
    # The following is necessary until pydicom numpy support is improved:
    # (after that, a simple: 'arr = dcm.PixelArray' will work the same)
    format_str = '%sint%s' % (('u', '')[dcm.PixelRepresentation],
        dtype = np.dtype(format_str)
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError("Data type not understood by NumPy: "
                        "PixelRepresentation=%d, BitsAllocated=%d" % (
                        dcm.PixelRepresentation, dcm.BitsAllocated))
    arr = np.fromstring(dcm.PixelData, dtype)
        # pydicom 0.9.3:
        dcm_is_little_endian = dcm.isLittleEndian
    except AttributeError:
        # pydicom 0.9.4:
        dcm_is_little_endian = dcm.is_little_endian
    if dcm_is_little_endian != (sys.byteorder == 'little'):
    if hasattr(dcm, 'NumberofFrames') and dcm.NumberofFrames > 1:
        if dcm.SamplesperPixel > 1:
            arr = arr.reshape(dcm.SamplesperPixel, dcm.NumberofFrames,
                              dcm.Rows, dcm.Columns)
            arr = arr.reshape(dcm.NumberofFrames, dcm.Rows, dcm.Columns)
        if dcm.SamplesperPixel > 1:
            if dcm.BitsAllocated == 8:
                arr = arr.reshape(dcm.SamplesperPixel, dcm.Rows, dcm.Columns)
                raise NotImplementedError("This code only handles "
                            "SamplesPerPixel > 1 if Bits Allocated = 8")
            arr = arr.reshape(dcm.Rows, dcm.Columns)
    # **********************************************************************
    return arr

def _imwrite_dcm(filename, arr, template=None):
    """Save a numpy array `arr` into a DICOM image file `filename`
    based on DICOM structure `template`"""
    # Note: due to IOHandler formalism, `template` has to be a keyword argument
    assert template is not None,\
           "The `template` keyword argument is required to save DICOM files\n"\
           "(that is the template DICOM structure object)"
    infos = np.iinfo(arr.dtype)
    template.BitsAllocated = infos.bits
    template.BitsStored = infos.bits
    template.HighBit = infos.bits-1
    template.PixelRepresentation = ('u', 'i').index(infos.kind)
    data_vr = ('US', 'SS')[template.PixelRepresentation]
    template.Rows = arr.shape[0]
    template.Columns = arr.shape[1]
    template.SmallestImagePixelValue = int(arr.min())
    template[0x00280106].VR = data_vr
    template.LargestImagePixelValue = int(arr.max())
    template[0x00280107].VR = data_vr
    if not template.PhotometricInterpretation.startswith('MONOCHROME'):
        template.PhotometricInterpretation = 'MONOCHROME1'
    template.PixelData = arr.tostring()
    template[0x7fe00010].VR = 'OB'

# Text files Private I/O functions
def _imread_txt(filename):
    """Open text file image and return a NumPy array"""
    for delimiter in ('\t', ',', ' ', ';'):
            return np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=delimiter)
        except ValueError:

def _imwrite_txt(filename, arr):
    """Write `arr` NumPy array to text file `filename`"""
    if arr.dtype in (np.int8, np.uint8, np.int16, np.uint16,
                     np.int32, np.uint32):
        fmt = '%d'
        fmt = '%.18e'
    ext = osp.splitext(filename)[1]
    if ext.lower() in (".txt", ".asc", ""):
        np.savetxt(filename, arr, fmt=fmt)
    elif ext.lower() == ".csv":
        np.savetxt(filename, arr, fmt=fmt, delimiter=',')

# Registering I/O functions
iohandler.add(_(u"PNG files"), '*.png',
              read_func=_imread_pil, write_func=_imwrite_pil,
              data_types=(np.uint8, np.uint16))
iohandler.add(_(u"TIFF files"), '*.tif *.tiff',
              read_func=_imread_pil, write_func=_imwrite_pil)
iohandler.add(_(u"8-bit images"), '*.jpg *.gif',
              read_func=_imread_pil, write_func=_imwrite_pil,
iohandler.add(_(u"NumPy arrays"), '*.npy',
iohandler.add(_(u"Text files"), '*.txt *.csv *.asc',
              read_func=_imread_txt, write_func=_imwrite_txt)
iohandler.add(_(u"DICOM files"), '*.dcm', read_func=_imread_dcm,
              write_func=_imwrite_dcm, import_func=_import_dcm,
              data_types=(np.int8, np.uint8, np.int16, np.uint16),

# Generic image read/write functions
def imread(fname, ext=None, to_grayscale=False):
[docs] """Return a NumPy array from an image filename `fname`. If `to_grayscale` is True, convert RGB images to grayscale The `ext` (optional) argument is a string that specifies the file extension which defines the input format: when not specified, the input format is guessed from filename.""" if not isinstance(fname, basestring): fname = unicode(fname) # in case `filename` is a QString instance if ext is None: _base, ext = osp.splitext(fname) arr = iohandler.get_readfunc(ext)(fname) if to_grayscale and arr.ndim == 3: # Converting to grayscale return arr[...,:4].mean(axis=2) else: return arr def imwrite(fname, arr, ext=None, dtype=None, max_range=None, **kwargs):
[docs] """Save a NumPy array to an image filename `fname`. If `to_grayscale` is True, convert RGB images to grayscale The `ext` (optional) argument is a string that specifies the file extension which defines the input format: when not specified, the input format is guessed from filename. If `max_range` is True, array data is scaled to fit the `dtype` (or data type itself if `dtype` is None) dynamic range Warning: option `max_range` changes data in place""" if not isinstance(fname, basestring): fname = unicode(fname) # in case `filename` is a QString instance if ext is None: _base, ext = osp.splitext(fname) if max_range: arr = scale_data_to_dtype(arr, arr.dtype if dtype is None else dtype) iohandler.get_writefunc(ext)(fname, arr, **kwargs) #============================================================================== # Deprecated functions #============================================================================== def imagefile_to_array(filename, to_grayscale=False):
""" Return a NumPy array from an image file `filename` If `to_grayscale` is True, convert RGB images to grayscale """ print >>sys.stderr,\ "io.imagefile_to_array is deprecated: use io.imread instead" return imread(filename, to_grayscale=to_grayscale) def array_to_imagefile(arr, filename, mode=None, max_range=False): """ Save a numpy array `arr` into an image file `filename` Warning: option 'max_range' changes data in place """ print >>sys.stderr,\ "io.array_to_imagefile is deprecated: use io.imwrite instead" return imwrite(filename, arr, mode=mode, max_range=max_range) #============================================================================== # guiqwt plot items I/O #============================================================================== SERIALIZABLE_ITEMS = [] ITEM_MODULES = {} def register_serializable_items(modname, classnames): """Register serializable item from module name and class name""" global SERIALIZABLE_ITEMS, ITEM_MODULES SERIALIZABLE_ITEMS += classnames ITEM_MODULES[modname] = ITEM_MODULES.setdefault(modname, []) + classnames # Curves register_serializable_items('guiqwt.curve', ['CurveItem', 'PolygonMapItem', 'ErrorBarCurveItem']) # Images register_serializable_items('guiqwt.image', ['RawImageItem', 'ImageItem', 'TrImageItem', 'XYImageItem', 'RGBImageItem', 'MaskedImageItem']) # Shapes register_serializable_items('guiqwt.shapes', ['PolygonShape', 'PointShape', 'SegmentShape', 'RectangleShape', 'ObliqueRectangleShape', 'EllipseShape', 'Axes']) # Annotations register_serializable_items('guiqwt.annotations', ['AnnotatedPoint', 'AnnotatedSegment', 'AnnotatedRectangle', 'AnnotatedObliqueRectangle', 'AnnotatedEllipse', 'AnnotatedCircle']) # Labels register_serializable_items('guiqwt.label', ['LabelItem', 'LegendBoxItem', 'SelectedLegendBoxItem']) def item_class_from_name(name): """Return plot item class from class name""" global SERIALIZABLE_ITEMS, ITEM_MODULES assert name in SERIALIZABLE_ITEMS, "Unknown class %r" % name for modname, names in ITEM_MODULES.iteritems(): if name in names: return getattr(__import__(modname, fromlist=[name]), name) def item_name_from_object(obj): """Return plot item class name from instance""" return obj.__class__.__name__ def save_item(writer, group_name, item): """Save plot item to HDF5 group""" with if item is None: writer.write_none() else: item.serialize(writer) with'item_class_name'): writer.write_str(item_name_from_object(item)) def load_item(reader, group_name): """Load plot item from HDF5 group""" with with'item_class_name'): try: klass_name = reader.read_str() except ValueError: # None was saved instead of a real item return klass = item_class_from_name(klass_name) item = klass() item.deserialize(reader) return item def save_items(writer, items):
[docs] """Save items to HDF5 file: * writer: :py:class:`guidata.hdf5io.HDF5Writer` object * items: serializable plot items""" counts = {} names = [] def _get_name(item): basename = item_name_from_object(item) count = counts[basename] = counts.setdefault(basename, 0) + 1 name = '%s_%03d' % (basename, count) names.append(name) return name for item in items: with item.serialize(writer) with'plot_items'): writer.write_sequence(names) def load_items(reader):
[docs] """Load items from HDF5 file: * reader: :py:class:`guidata.hdf5io.HDF5Reader` object""" with'plot_items'): names = reader.read_sequence() items = [] for name in names: klass_name = re.match(r'([A-Z]+[A-Za-z0-9\_]*)\_([0-9]*)', name).groups()[0] klass = item_class_from_name(klass_name) item = klass() with item.deserialize(reader) items.append(item) return items if __name__ == '__main__':
# Test if items can all be constructed from their Python module for name in SERIALIZABLE_ITEMS: print name, '-->', item_class_from_name(name)