Using Public Data Sets
This section describes how to use Amazon EC2 public data sets.
Finding Public Data Sets
Before you launch a public data set, you must locate the set to launch.
To find a public data set
Go to the Public Data Sets Page.
Locate a public data set and write down its snapshot ID for your operating platform (e.g., Windows, Linux/UNIX).
Launching an Instance
Launch an instance as you normally do. For more information, see Launching and Using Instances.
Launching a Public Data Set Volume
To use a public data set, you launch an Amazon EBS volume, specifying its snapshot ID.
How To
To create an Amazon EBS volume
If you are using SOAP, construct the following request:
<CreateVolume xmlns=""> <availabilityZone>
</availabilityZone> <snapshotId>public-data-set-snapshot-id
</snapshotId> </CreateVolume> -
If you are using Query, construct the following request: ?Action=CreateVolume &AvailabilityZone=
&...auth parameters... -
View output similar to the following:
<CreateVolumeResponse xmlns=""> <volumeId>vol-4d826724</volumeId> <size>85</size> <status>creating</status> <createTime>2008-05-07T11:51:50.000Z</createTime> <availabilityZone>us-east-1a</availabilityZone> <snapshotId>snap-59d33330</snapshotId> </CreateVolumeResponse>
Mounting the Public Data Set Volume
Mount the volume as you normally do. For more information, see How to Make an Amazon EBS Volume Available for Use.