Maintenance Plan History

Database Maintenance Plan

Database Maintenance Plan Wizard Help

Maintenance Plan History

Use the Maintenance Plan History screen to view or specify the following options.


Write history to the msdb.dbo.sysdbmaintplan_history table on this server

Write the report as rows to this table on the server upon which the maintenance plan was executed. The report contains the steps executed by the maintenance plan, including database name, activity, date, result (success or failure), and any error information. It includes one row for each activity, per database, per execution date.

Limit rows in the table to

Specify the maximum number of rows in the table that represent history for this plan only. If the number of history rows in the table for this plan exceeds this value, older rows for this plan (representing the earliest recorded history) are deleted. Setting this value can prevent the table from becoming too large and filling the msdb database (if auto-grow is not permitted). The default is 10,000.

Write history to the server

Write the report as rows to the msdb.dbo.sysdbmaintplan_history table on a remote server. Windows Authentication is used to connect to the remote server. The report contains the steps executed by the maintenance plan, including database name, activity, date, result (success or failure), and any error information. It includes one row for each activity, per database, per execution date.

Click the browse (...) button to change the remote server to which the report is written. Only instances of Microsoft® SQL Server™ can be selected.

Limit rows in the table to

Specify the maximum number of rows in the table that represent history for this plan only. If the number of history rows in the table for this plan exceeds this value, older rows for this plan (representing the earliest recorded history) are deleted. Setting this value can prevent the table from becoming too large and filling the msdb database (if auto-grow is not permitted). The default is 10,000.