v3.1.1 (June 2014)
Load a model file and print basic statistics.
Full postprocessing is applied unless the -r
switch is specified. Sample output (assimp info ./test/models/3DS/mar_rifle.3ds
Launching model import ... OK Validating postprocessing flags ... OK Importing file ... OK import took approx. 0.02400 seconds Memory consumption: 69444 B Nodes: 2 Maximum depth 2 Meshes: 1 Animations: 0 Textures (embed.): 0 Materials: 1 Cameras: 0 Lights: 0 Vertices: 843 Faces: 572 Bones: 0 Animation Channels: 0 Primitive Types: triangles Average faces/mesh 572 Average verts/mesh 843 Minimum point (-3.522588 -11.573204 -40.340359) Maximum point (3.522622 30.196556 75.941292) Center point (0.000017 9.311676 17.800467) Named Materials: 'mat1' Texture Refs: 'm_rifl.bmp' Node hierarchy: '<3DSRoot>', meshes: 0 -- 'm_rifle', meshes: 1 <--
assimp info file [-r]
Required. Input file.
Optional. Don't perform any postprocessing. The long form of this parameter is –raw
Generated on Sat Jun 14 2014 18:58:46 for Tools by 1.8.7