
The Locations list

This is the list that contains information about all the locations WorldTime2000 is aware of

  1. Adding a new location
  2. Modifying a location
  3. Deleting a location
  4. Displaying a location
All the important features of the program are present as icons on the toolbar.

Add to Locations List

Hot key A

This function allows you to add a location to the already large list of world cities availably in WorldTime2000. If you have a location you wish to add choose the 'Add to locations list' button in the toolbar or use the hot key A. You will be prompted to enter the Name/Town. EXAMPLE: Sydney or even Bob's place. Enter the country ( this is optional ). Then you will asked the Offset in hours from GMT. This is amount of time plus (+) or minus (-) of GMT. You will need to know if the city, town, etc, is currently on Daylight Savings and the start and ending dates. This can also be entered here. If you do not know if the location you wish to add is a user of daylight savings of not, you may not get a correct time reading to another location in WorldTime2000. Once you have entered your new location to add to WorldTime2000 press the ok button. You will the find you new location added to the list of locations found in the Add locations to display list. More often then not you new location will be added to the bottom of the list and not necessarily in alphabetical order.

Modify Location

Hot key M

This is the same screen that was to be found under add to display by pressing the "Show Details" button. You are able to select a location in the list of locations that appear on the screen. You are able to change the offset in hours from GMT, and adjust the daylight savings details. As before you are able to modify a location by pressing the modify button. A location can be re-modified by re-selecting that location. You can access the feature by using the hot key M.

Delete Location

Hot key Ctrl-D

This function allows you to delete a location from the list of cities. This program will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete this location. Once a location has been deleted, the only way to re-establish that location back into the list is to use the Add location feature of the WorldTime2000 program.

Add Location to Display

Hot key D

This function allows you to choose one of the many cities already programed into WorldTime 2000. Once the button has been selected a box with a list will appear. The cites are initially shown in alphabetical order by the first letter of the city. To sort the list by ascending/descending by city, country or time, click on the column headers "Location", "Country" or "GMT". These sorting preferences will be saved for all location lists, such as those in Modify Location & Delete Location, as well as Add Location to Display. Once you have highlighted a city you have the option of seeing more details about that city, by selecting the "show details" button. If this button is selected you will see a more detailed outline of the city. This will show the offset in hours from GMT and weather or not the location is subject to daylight savings. You will notice that this box is the same as the "add location" except for one minor difference. You have the option to modify this location at this point. As before you will be able to see the starting and ending dates for the daylight savings. If a location is modified you are able to return to that location and change the setting back to the original setting or choose a new setting. Once you have selected a location to add to the display and press the button marked "OK", this location will be added to the WorldTime 2000 display screen. The add location to display may also be accessed by using the hot key D.