Wintellect.PowerCollections Namespace

Wintellect PowerCollections

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namespace Wintellect.PowerCollections
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Namespace Wintellect.PowerCollections
Visual C++
namespace Wintellect.PowerCollections


Public classAlgorithms
Algorithms contains a number of static methods that implement algorithms that work on collections. Most of the methods deal with the standard generic collection interfaces such as IEnumerable<T>, ICollection<T> and IList<T>.
Public classBag<(Of <T>)>
Bag<T> is a collection that contains items of type T. Unlike a Set, duplicate items (items that compare equal to each other) are allowed in an Bag.
Public classBigList<(Of <T>)>
BigList<T> provides a list of items, in order, with indices of the items ranging from 0 to one less than the count of items in the collection. BigList<T> is optimized for efficient operations on large (>100 items) lists, especially for insertions, deletions, copies, and concatinations.
Public classCollectionBase<(Of <T>)>
CollectionBase is a base class that can be used to more easily implement the generic ICollection<T> and non-generic ICollection interfaces.
Public classDeque<(Of <T>)>

The Deque class implements a type of list known as a Double Ended Queue. A Deque is quite similar to a List, in that items have indices (starting at 0), and the item at any index can be efficiently retrieved. The difference between a List and a Deque lies in the efficiency of inserting elements at the beginning. In a List, items can be efficiently added to the end, but inserting an item at the beginning of the List is slow, taking time proportional to the size of the List. In a Deque, items can be added to the beginning or end equally efficiently, regardless of the number of items in the Deque. As a trade-off for this increased flexibility, Deque is somewhat slower than List (but still constant time) when being indexed to get or retrieve elements.

Public classDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>
DictionaryBase is a base class that can be used to more easily implement the generic IDictionary<T> and non-generic IDictionary interfaces.
Public classListBase<(Of <T>)>
ListBase is an abstract class that can be used as a base class for a read-write collection that needs to implement the generic IList<T> and non-generic IList collections. The derived class needs to override the following methods: Count, Clear, Insert, RemoveAt, and the indexer. The implementation of all the other methods in IList<T> and IList are handled by ListBase.
Public classMultiDictionary<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>

The MultiDictionary class that associates values with a key. Unlike an Dictionary, each key can have multiple values associated with it. When indexing an MultiDictionary, instead of a single value associated with a key, you retrieve an enumeration of values.

When constructed, you can chose to allow the same value to be associated with a key multiple times, or only one time.

Public classMultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>
MultiDictionaryBase is a base class that can be used to more easily implement a class that associates multiple values to a single key. The class implements the generic IDictionary<TKey, ICollection<TValue>> interface.
Public classOrderedBag<(Of <T>)>
OrderedBag<T> is a collection that contains items of type T. The item are maintained in a sorted order. Unlike a OrderedSet, duplicate items (items that compare equal to each other) are allows in an OrderedBag.
Public classOrderedBag<(Of <T>)>..::View
The OrderedBag<T>.View class is used to look at a subset of the items inside an ordered bag. It is returned from the Range, RangeTo, RangeFrom, and Reversed methods.
Public classOrderedDictionary<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>
OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue> is a collection that maps keys of type TKey to values of type TValue. The keys are maintained in a sorted order, and at most one value is permitted for each key.
Public classOrderedDictionary<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>..::View
The OrderedDictionary<TKey,TValue>.View class is used to look at a subset of the keys and values inside an ordered dictionary. It is returned from the Range, RangeTo, RangeFrom, and Reversed methods.
Public classOrderedMultiDictionary<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>

The OrderedMultiDictionary class that associates values with a key. Unlike an OrderedDictionary, each key can have multiple values associated with it. When indexing an OrderedMultidictionary, instead of a single value associated with a key, you retrieve an enumeration of values.

All of the key are stored in sorted order. Also, the values associated with a given key are kept in sorted order as well.

When constructed, you can chose to allow the same value to be associated with a key multiple times, or only one time.

Public classOrderedMultiDictionary<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>..::View
The OrderedMultiDictionary<TKey,TValue>.View class is used to look at a subset of the keys and values inside an ordered multi-dictionary. It is returned from the Range, RangeTo, RangeFrom, and Reversed methods.
Public classOrderedSet<(Of <T>)>
OrderedSet<T> is a collection that contains items of type T. The item are maintained in a sorted order, and duplicate items are not allowed. Each item has an index in the set: the smallest item has index 0, the next smallest item has index 1, and so forth.
Public classOrderedSet<(Of <T>)>..::View
The OrderedSet<T>.View class is used to look at a subset of the Items inside an ordered set. It is returned from the Range, RangeTo, RangeFrom, and Reversed methods.
Public classReadOnlyCollectionBase<(Of <T>)>
ReadOnlyCollectionBase is a base class that can be used to more easily implement the generic ICollection<T> and non-generic ICollection interfaces for a read-only collection: a collection that does not allow adding or removing elements.
Public classReadOnlyDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>
ReadOnlyDictionaryBase is a base class that can be used to more easily implement the generic IDictionary<T> and non-generic IDictionary interfaces.
Public classReadOnlyListBase<(Of <T>)>
ReadOnlyListBase is an abstract class that can be used as a base class for a read-only collection that needs to implement the generic IList<T> and non-generic IList collections. The derived class needs to override the Count property and the get part of the indexer. The implementation of all the other methods in IList<T> and IList are handled by ListBase.
Public classReadOnlyMultiDictionaryBase<(Of <TKey, TValue>)>
MultiDictionaryBase is a base class that can be used to more easily implement a class that associates multiple values to a single key. The class implements the generic IDictionary<TKey, ICollection<TValue>> interface. The resulting collection is read-only -- items cannot be added or removed.
Public classSet<(Of <T>)>
Set<T> is a collection that contains items of type T. The item are maintained in a haphazard, unpredictable order, and duplicate items are not allowed.


Public structurePair<(Of <TFirst, TSecond>)>
Stores a pair of objects within a single struct. This struct is useful to use as the T of a collection, or as the TKey or TValue of a dictionary.
Public structureTriple<(Of <TFirst, TSecond, TThird>)>
Stores a triple of objects within a single struct. This struct is useful to use as the T of a collection, or as the TKey or TValue of a dictionary.


Public delegateBinaryPredicate<(Of <T>)>
The BinaryPredicate delegate type encapsulates a method that takes two items of the same type, and returns a boolean value representating some relationship between them. For example, checking whether two items are equal or equivalent is one kind of binary predicate.