SFX commands: Text


SFX commands: Text

This command supports two versions of the syntax:









It adds the specified plain text or HTML strings to the text output window of SFX module. When SFX module encounters Text command the first time, it resets the default contents of this window before adding <string>. Following commands append <string> to the already existing text.

Depending on the used syntax this command may add either a single string or several strings at once.

In case of plain text contents SFX module merges and reformats the specified text strings to fit them optimally into the dialog. So if you wish to start a new paragraph, you need to put the empty string before it.

Using HTML you may control colors, fonts and formatting of displayed text. Description of HTML syntax is available on The World Wide Web Consortium site. Also it is possible to use any web page editor program to prepare HTML text.

If text consists of several strings, SFX module considers ‹}› character as the end of text mark, so you should not use this character in your text at the first position in the string. If you need to use ‹}› in the beginning of string, insert the space before it.


  1. add the single string to the dialog window

Text=Here is my new program

  1. add the specified text to the dialog window



Most interesting features of this program are:

- support of the Windows Clipboard;

- processing of files up to 10KB size each;
