Password information dialog


Password information dialog

"Password information" dialog is invoked after pressing "Add" or "Edit" buttons in "Organize passwords" dialog. So you can either specify the information about a new password or edit the already existing password record. Such information includes the password text, label, archive mask in "Select for archives" field and "Accept without confirmation" option.

"Password text" is the only mandatory field. It must contain the password to store.

You can use "Password label" field if you do not want real passwords to be visible in the password dialog. So you can specify some label for password here and then enter this label instead of real password every time when you need to set a password. WinRAR will replace such label by password automatically. Password dialog will inform you that you entered a label by displaying "Password label entered" message just above the password input field.

For example, you can define Fhtfl34Shu as the password text and home as the password label. After that you will be able to enter home instead of Fhtfl34Shu. This substitution works only in the password dialog. It does not affect the command line mode and -p[pwd] switch.

Password labels must be unique. They must not be the same as any other label or password. Labels are case insensitive, so home and Home are considered as the same label.

If you defined both the password text and label, the label will be displayed in the list in "Label" column in "Organize passwords" dialog. If only the password text is defined, it will be displayed in this list.

"Select for archives" field can include one or several archive names or masks (name only, without a path) separated by spaces. If archive name contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes. If unpacked archive name matches one of these masks, WinRAR will select a password defined in "Password text" automatically. If "Accept without confirmation" option is off, this password will be set as default in password dialog, but user will have a chance to change it. If "Accept without confirmation" option is on, the password will be accepted immediately.

For example, if you specify MailDGWT58 as password text and mymail*.rar mymail*.zip in "Select for archives" field, MailDGWT58 will be selected in password dialog automatically when unpacking mymail*.rar and mymail*.zip archives. This option works for unpacking only, not for archiving.

Please be aware that saved passwords are stored in Registry in the plain text unencrypted format. So anybody having access to your computer can view them. While this password organizer feature can make working with passwords more convenient, you need to weigh security risks carefully. If information protected with password is sensitive and confidential, either avoid this feature or use it only if your computer is protected from unauthorized access.