WiX Help Documentation
WiX Help
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Table of contents
WiX Help
Getting Started
First wxs File
Creating Merge Modules
Adding Custom Actions
Msi Tables to WiX Schema
WiX Online Tutorials
WiX Standard CustomActions
Using Server CustomActions
Performance Counter CustomAction
Quiet Execution CustomAction
Patch Building
Using the WixUI dialog library
Wix Schema
AdminExecuteSequence Element
AdminUISequence Element
AdvertiseExecuteSequence Element
AllocateRegistrySpace Element
AppData Element
AppId Element
AppSearch Element
AssemblyName Element
Billboard Element
BillboardAction Element
Binary Element
BindImage Element
Category Element
CCPSearch Element
Certificate Element
CertificateRef Element
Class Element
Column Element
ComboBox Element
ComplianceCheck Element
ComplianceDrive Element
Component Element
ComponentGroup Element
ComponentGroupRef Element
ComponentRef Element
ComponentSearch Element
Condition Element
Configuration Element
ConfigurationData Element
Control Element
CopyFile Element
CostFinalize Element
CostInitialize Element
CreateFolder Element
CreateFolders Element
CreateShortcuts Element
Custom Element
CustomAction Element
CustomActionRef Element
CustomProperty Element
CustomTable Element
Data Element
DeleteServices Element
Dependency Element
Dialog Element
DialogRef Element
DigitalCertificate Element
DigitalSignature Element
Directory Element
DirectoryRef Element
DirectorySearch Element
DirectorySearchRef Element
DisableRollback Element
DuplicateFiles Element
EnsureTable Element
Environment Element
Error Element
Exclusion Element
ExecuteAction Element
Extension Element
ExternalFile Element
Family Element
Feature Element
FeatureRef Element
File Element
FileCost Element
FileSearch Element
FileSearchRef Element
FileShare Element
FileTypeMask Element
FindRelatedProducts Element
ForceReboot Element
Fragment Element
FragmentRef Element
Group Element
GroupRef Element
HttpHeader Element
Icon Element
IgnoreModularization Element
IgnoreRange Element
Include Element
IniFile Element
IniFileSearch Element
InstallAdminPackage Element
InstallExecute Element
InstallExecuteAgain Element
InstallExecuteSequence Element
InstallFiles Element
InstallFinalize Element
InstallInitialize Element
InstallODBC Element
InstallServices Element
InstallUISequence Element
InstallValidate Element
Interface Element
IsolateComponent Element
IsolateComponents Element
LaunchConditions Element
ListBox Element
ListItem Element
ListView Element
Media Element
Merge Element
MergeRef Element
MigrateFeatureStates Element
MIME Element
MimeMap Element
Module Element
MoveFiles Element
MsiPublishAssemblies Element
MsiUnpublishAssemblies Element
ODBCDataSource Element
ODBCDriver Element
ODBCTranslator Element
Package Element
Patch Element
PatchCertificates Element
PatchCreation Element
PatchFiles Element
PatchInformation Element
PatchMetadata Element
PatchPackage Element
PatchProperty Element
PatchSequence Element
PerfCounter Element
Permission Element
ProcessComponents Element
Product Element
ProgId Element
ProgressText Element
Property Element
PropertyRef Element
ProtectFile Element
ProtectRange Element
Publish Element
PublishComponents Element
PublishFeatures Element
PublishProduct Element
RadioButton Element
RadioButtonGroup Element
RecycleTime Element
RegisterClassInfo Element
RegisterComPlus Element
RegisterExtensionInfo Element
RegisterFonts Element
RegisterMIMEInfo Element
RegisterProduct Element
RegisterProgIdInfo Element
RegisterTypeLibraries Element
RegisterUser Element
Registry Element
RegistrySearch Element
RegistrySearchRef Element
RegistryValue Element
RemoveDuplicateFiles Element
RemoveEnvironmentStrings Element
RemoveExistingProducts Element
RemoveFile Element
RemoveFiles Element
RemoveFolder Element
RemoveFolders Element
RemoveIniValues Element
RemoveODBC Element
RemoveRegistryValues Element
RemoveShortcuts Element
ReplacePatch Element
ReserveCost Element
ResolveSource Element
RMCCPSearch Element
Row Element
ScheduleReboot Element
SelfRegModules Element
SelfUnregModules Element
ServiceArgument Element
ServiceConfig Element
ServiceControl Element
ServiceDependency Element
ServiceInstall Element
SetODBCFolders Element
SFPCatalog Element
SFPFile Element
Shortcut Element
Show Element
SqlDatabase Element
SqlFileSpec Element
SqlLogFileSpec Element
SqlScript Element
SqlString Element
StartServices Element
StopServices Element
Subscribe Element
Substitution Element
SymbolPath Element
TargetFile Element
TargetImage Element
TargetProductCode Element
Text Element
TextStyle Element
TypeLib Element
UI Element
UIRef Element
UIText Element
UnpublishComponents Element
UnpublishFeatures Element
UnregisterClassInfo Element
UnregisterComPlus Element
UnregisterExtensionInfo Element
UnregisterFonts Element
UnregisterMIMEInfo Element
UnregisterProgIdInfo Element
UnregisterTypeLibraries Element
Upgrade Element
UpgradeFile Element
UpgradeImage Element
UpgradeVersion Element
User Element
ValidateProductID Element
Verb Element
WebAddress Element
WebApplication Element
WebApplicationExtension Element
WebAppPool Element
WebDir Element
WebDirProperties Element
WebError Element
WebFilter Element
WebLog Element
WebProperty Element
WebServiceExtension Element
WebSite Element
WebVirtualDir Element
Wix Element
WriteEnvironmentStrings Element
WriteIniValues Element
WriteRegistryValues Element
XmlFile Element
Mmc Schema
ExtendedNodeType Element
PublishedNodeType Element
Resources Element
SnapIn Element
Netfx Schema
NativeImage Element
Vs Schema
HelpCollection Element
HelpCollectionRef Element
HelpFile Element
HelpFileRef Element
HelpFilter Element
HelpFilterRef Element
PlugCollectionInto Element
Pubca Schema
ComPlusApplication Element
ComPlusApplicationRole Element
ComPlusAssembly Element
ComPlusAssemblyDependency Element
ComPlusComponent Element
ComPlusGroupInApplicationRole Element
ComPlusGroupInPartitionRole Element
ComPlusInterface Element
ComPlusMethod Element
ComPlusPartition Element
ComPlusPartitionRole Element
ComPlusPartitionUser Element
ComPlusRoleForComponent Element
ComPlusRoleForInterface Element
ComPlusRoleForMethod Element
ComPlusSubscription Element
ComPlusUserInApplicationRole Element
ComPlusUserInPartitionRole Element
MessageQueue Element
MessageQueuePermission Element
Compiler (candle)
Linker (light)
Decompiler (dark)
Visual Studio Package (votive)
Include Files (.wxi)
Source Files (.wxs)
Object Files (.wixobj)
Installation Packages (.msi)
Merge Modules (.msm)
Building WiX
Rob Mensching - when setup isn't just xcopy
2004/04/05 - Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset has released as Open Source on
2004/04/14 - So you want to be a Windows Installer XML developer?
2004/05/11 - Sections, Symbols and References in the Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset.
2004/05/16 - My philsophical musings about building setup for software.
2004/05/20 - VBScript (and Jscript) MSI CustomActions suck.
2004/11/22 - Localization and your MSI file.
2004/11/30 - Creating localized MSI files using WiX toolset and .wxl files.
Getting Help
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