Table of contents
WiX Help
- Overview
- Getting Started
- WiX Standard CustomActions
- Extensions
- Patch Building
- Using the WixUI dialog library
Wix Schema
- AdminExecuteSequence Element
- AdminUISequence Element
- AdvertiseExecuteSequence Element
- AllocateRegistrySpace Element
- AppData Element
- AppId Element
- AppSearch Element
- AssemblyName Element
- Billboard Element
- BillboardAction Element
- Binary Element
- BindImage Element
- Category Element
- CCPSearch Element
- Certificate Element
- CertificateRef Element
- Class Element
- Column Element
- ComboBox Element
- ComplianceCheck Element
- ComplianceDrive Element
- Component Element
- ComponentGroup Element
- ComponentGroupRef Element
- ComponentRef Element
- ComponentSearch Element
- Condition Element
- Configuration Element
- ConfigurationData Element
- Control Element
- CopyFile Element
- CostFinalize Element
- CostInitialize Element
- CreateFolder Element
- CreateFolders Element
- CreateShortcuts Element
- Custom Element
- CustomAction Element
- CustomActionRef Element
- CustomProperty Element
- CustomTable Element
- Data Element
- DeleteServices Element
- Dependency Element
- Dialog Element
- DialogRef Element
- DigitalCertificate Element
- DigitalSignature Element
- Directory Element
- DirectoryRef Element
- DirectorySearch Element
- DirectorySearchRef Element
- DisableRollback Element
- DuplicateFiles Element
- EnsureTable Element
- Environment Element
- Error Element
- Exclusion Element
- ExecuteAction Element
- Extension Element
- ExternalFile Element
- Family Element
- Feature Element
- FeatureRef Element
- File Element
- FileCost Element
- FileSearch Element
- FileSearchRef Element
- FileShare Element
- FileTypeMask Element
- FindRelatedProducts Element
- ForceReboot Element
- Fragment Element
- FragmentRef Element
- Group Element
- GroupRef Element
- HttpHeader Element
- Icon Element
- IgnoreModularization Element
- IgnoreRange Element
- Include Element
- IniFile Element
- IniFileSearch Element
- InstallAdminPackage Element
- InstallExecute Element
- InstallExecuteAgain Element
- InstallExecuteSequence Element
- InstallFiles Element
- InstallFinalize Element
- InstallInitialize Element
- InstallODBC Element
- InstallServices Element
- InstallUISequence Element
- InstallValidate Element
- Interface Element
- IsolateComponent Element
- IsolateComponents Element
- LaunchConditions Element
- ListBox Element
- ListItem Element
- ListView Element
- Media Element
- Merge Element
- MergeRef Element
- MigrateFeatureStates Element
- MIME Element
- MimeMap Element
- Module Element
- MoveFiles Element
- MsiPublishAssemblies Element
- MsiUnpublishAssemblies Element
- ODBCDataSource Element
- ODBCDriver Element
- ODBCTranslator Element
- Package Element
- Patch Element
- PatchCertificates Element
- PatchCreation Element
- PatchFiles Element
- PatchInformation Element
- PatchMetadata Element
- PatchPackage Element
- PatchProperty Element
- PatchSequence Element
- PerfCounter Element
- Permission Element
- ProcessComponents Element
- Product Element
- ProgId Element
- ProgressText Element
- Property Element
- PropertyRef Element
- ProtectFile Element
- ProtectRange Element
- Publish Element
- PublishComponents Element
- PublishFeatures Element
- PublishProduct Element
- RadioButton Element
- RadioButtonGroup Element
- RecycleTime Element
- RegisterClassInfo Element
- RegisterComPlus Element
- RegisterExtensionInfo Element
- RegisterFonts Element
- RegisterMIMEInfo Element
- RegisterProduct Element
- RegisterProgIdInfo Element
- RegisterTypeLibraries Element
- RegisterUser Element
- Registry Element
- RegistrySearch Element
- RegistrySearchRef Element
- RegistryValue Element
- RemoveDuplicateFiles Element
- RemoveEnvironmentStrings Element
- RemoveExistingProducts Element
- RemoveFile Element
- RemoveFiles Element
- RemoveFolder Element
- RemoveFolders Element
- RemoveIniValues Element
- RemoveODBC Element
- RemoveRegistryValues Element
- RemoveShortcuts Element
- ReplacePatch Element
- ReserveCost Element
- ResolveSource Element
- RMCCPSearch Element
- Row Element
- ScheduleReboot Element
- SelfRegModules Element
- SelfUnregModules Element
- ServiceArgument Element
- ServiceConfig Element
- ServiceControl Element
- ServiceDependency Element
- ServiceInstall Element
- SetODBCFolders Element
- SFPCatalog Element
- SFPFile Element
- Shortcut Element
- Show Element
- SqlDatabase Element
- SqlFileSpec Element
- SqlLogFileSpec Element
- SqlScript Element
- SqlString Element
- StartServices Element
- StopServices Element
- Subscribe Element
- Substitution Element
- SymbolPath Element
- TargetFile Element
- TargetImage Element
- TargetProductCode Element
- Text Element
- TextStyle Element
- TypeLib Element
- UI Element
- UIRef Element
- UIText Element
- UnpublishComponents Element
- UnpublishFeatures Element
- UnregisterClassInfo Element
- UnregisterComPlus Element
- UnregisterExtensionInfo Element
- UnregisterFonts Element
- UnregisterMIMEInfo Element
- UnregisterProgIdInfo Element
- UnregisterTypeLibraries Element
- Upgrade Element
- UpgradeFile Element
- UpgradeImage Element
- UpgradeVersion Element
- User Element
- ValidateProductID Element
- Verb Element
- WebAddress Element
- WebApplication Element
- WebApplicationExtension Element
- WebAppPool Element
- WebDir Element
- WebDirProperties Element
- WebError Element
- WebFilter Element
- WebLog Element
- WebProperty Element
- WebServiceExtension Element
- WebSite Element
- WebVirtualDir Element
- Wix Element
- WriteEnvironmentStrings Element
- WriteIniValues Element
- WriteRegistryValues Element
- XmlFile Element
- Mmc Schema
- Netfx Schema
- Vs Schema
Pubca Schema
- ComPlusApplication Element
- ComPlusApplicationRole Element
- ComPlusAssembly Element
- ComPlusAssemblyDependency Element
- ComPlusComponent Element
- ComPlusGroupInApplicationRole Element
- ComPlusGroupInPartitionRole Element
- ComPlusInterface Element
- ComPlusMethod Element
- ComPlusPartition Element
- ComPlusPartitionRole Element
- ComPlusPartitionUser Element
- ComPlusRoleForComponent Element
- ComPlusRoleForInterface Element
- ComPlusRoleForMethod Element
- ComPlusSubscription Element
- ComPlusUserInApplicationRole Element
- ComPlusUserInPartitionRole Element
- MessageQueue Element
- MessageQueuePermission Element
- Tools
- Files
- Development
Rob Mensching - when setup isn't just xcopy
- 2004/04/05 - Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset has released as Open Source on
- 2004/04/14 - So you want to be a Windows Installer XML developer?
- 2004/05/11 - Sections, Symbols and References in the Windows Installer XML (WiX) toolset.
- 2004/05/16 - My philsophical musings about building setup for software.
- 2004/05/20 - VBScript (and Jscript) MSI CustomActions suck.
- 2004/11/22 - Localization and your MSI file.
- 2004/11/30 - Creating localized MSI files using WiX toolset and .wxl files.
Rob Mensching - when setup isn't just xcopy
- Getting Help