Library Tool (lit)


Library Tool (lit)

Lit is the WiX library creation tool. It can be used to combine multiple .wixobj files into libraries that can be consumed by light.

Usage Information

lit.exe [-?] [-nologo] [-out libraryFile] objectFile [objectFile ...] [@responseFile]

Lit supports the following command line parameters:




Specify a base path to locate all files; the default value is the current working directory.


Bind files into the library file.

-ext <extension>

Specify an extension assembly.

-loc <loc.wxl>

Provide a .wxl file to read localization strings from.


Skip printing Lit logo information.


Specify an output file; by default, Lit will write to the current working directory.


Show pedantic messages.


Suppress schema validation for documents; this switch provides a performance boost during linking.


Suppress intermediate file version mismatch checking.


Suppress warnings with specific message IDs. For example, -sw1011 -sw1012.


Suppress all warnings (deprecated).


Generate verbose output


Treat warnings as errors. For example, -wx1011 -wx1012.


Treat all warnings as errors (deprecated).


Display Lit help information