Create the Skeleton Bundle Authoring
The root element of a bundle is <Bundle>. The <Bundle> element is a child directly under the <Wix> element. Here's an example of an empty bundle:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Wix xmlns="">
<!-- Contents of the bundle goes here -->
In this example, you will be adding the following elements to the <Bundle> element:
As a start, add the two most common elements inside a <Bundle> :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Wix xmlns="">
<BootstrapperApplicationRef />
The <BootstrapperApplicationRef> element will eventually point to the standard BootstrapperApplication provided by the WiX toolset and the <Chain> element will eventually contain the ordered list of packages that make up the bundle.
Now that you have the skeleton authoring of a Bundle, you can move on to adding information for the <BootstrapperApplicationRef> element. See Author the BootstrapperApplication for a Bundle.