XML Property

Microsoft Outlook Visual Basic

XML Property


Returns or sets a value that specifies the XML definition of the current view. The XML definition describes the view type by using a series of tags and keywords corresponding to various properties of the view itself. When the view is created, the XML definition is parsed to render the settings for the new view. Read/write String.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a View object.


The following example creates a new view and displays its XML definition in the Immediate Window.

Sub XMLView()
'Creates a new view and displays the XML definition
'in the immediate window

    Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
    Dim objViews As Views
    Dim objView As View

    Set olApp = Outlook.Application
    Set objViews = _
    Set objView = objViews.Add _
       ("New Table View", olTableView, olViewSaveOptionAllFoldersOfType)

    Debug.Print objView.XML

End Sub

The modified properties which are visible in the following XML source code. In addition to the property definitions, the XML source also defines any objects  that make up the view. The following example displays the XML definition of columns that appear in the above view.

    <heading>Flag Status</heading>