GetFreeBusy Method

Microsoft Outlook Visual Basic

GetFreeBusy Method


The GetFreeBusy method returns a String representing the availability of the individual user for a period of 30 days from the start date, beginning at midnight of the date specified.

Note  If an address entry represents a distribution list, the status of its individual members cannot be returned to you with the GetFreeBusy method. A meeting request should be sent only to single messaging users. You can determine if a messaging user is a distribution list by determining if its DisplayType property is olDistList or olPrivateDistList.

expression.GetFreeBusy(Start, MinPerChar, CompleteFormat)

expression   Required. The AddressEntry object.

Start   Required Date. Specifies the date.

MinPerChar   Required Long. Specifies the length of each time slot in minutes. Default is 30 minutes.

CompleteFormat   Optional Variant.